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RE: The Big Test For Bitcoin Coming Soon.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I don't understand why he goes to this extreme. It seems like this could easily be addressed within the bounds of existing law. If these truck are parked illegally, just have them towed and impounded and charge a hefty impound fee to get it back. Yes, towing and impounding a crapload of 18-wheelers isn't "easy" but is it really that hard? Just take it one at a time.

I don't mean to imply that I disagree with the truckers, just that it seems like government seems to be unnecessarily escalating the situation. You don't need emergency powers to tow some trucks.


As far as I can tell, after watching far too many hours of live streams, the police have been unable to compel the tow truck operators to tow the vehicles from Wellington St.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For whatever reason the Global leaders are willing to show their extreme power at this time.

The police begged the tow truck drivers to help and tow the trucks. The tow truck drivers response? "Sorry I have COVID". Fucking trolled hard! Lol