Hello friends of $LIST, Friends of $HIVE and all others,
here are the weekly statistics for the $LIST token:
LIST Statistics for the last period
Bought $LIST By Time
This figure shows who has bought how many $LIST at wich time:
Top Ten $LIST Buyers and $HIVE Sellers
The inside of the circle shows the Buyers of $LIST, ordered by $HIVE they have spent. The outside shows the recipients of that $HIVE (recipients of $LIST):
Commulated Amount Of Bought $LIST Per Person
This figure shows the top ten $LIST buyers, how much they got and how much $HIVE they spend for this. It is sorted by $HIVE, that was spent:
Table Of Top 10 $LIST Buyers
This table shows the top ten buyers of $LIST sorted by the $HIVE, they have spent:
buyer.keyword: Descending | Sold $HIVE | Bought $LIST | Avg. Price |
@hivelist | 69.911103785038 | 2749.9999923706055 | 0.025393332665165264 |
@brutalmonkey | 61.85699907760136 | 2475.440619185567 | 0.02415750002754586 |
@thelogicaldude | 36.486594154607076 | 2145.8375987164436 | 0.016808475099377714 |
@achimmertens | 19.999999610509803 | 1000.0000286219292 | 0.019999999552965164 |
@dera123 | 13.202523529529572 | 761.7171096801758 | 0.01730000041425228 |
@juanmiguelsalas | 12.15293448814191 | 474.9809618592262 | 0.025624999776482582 |
@evernoticethat | 3.6058316265698522 | 140.22024316340685 | 0.024923333898186684 |
@allcapsonezero | 3.0782432045480164 | 181.07312862062827 | 0.017000000923871994 |
@andy4475 | 0.8399749277159572 | 42.3767576366663 | 0.022312000393867493 |
@blockchainyouth | 0.4350000023841858 | 25 | 0.017400000244379044 |
@other | 0.13745999336242676 | 7.900000095367432 | 0.017400000244379044 |
Commulated Amount Of Sold $LIST Per Person
This figure shows the top ten $LIST Sellers and how much they sold and how much $HIVE they got for this, sorted by $HIVE:
Table Of Top 10 $LIST Sellers
This table shows the top ten sellers of $LIST Sorted by the $HIVE, they have got:
seller.keyword: Descending | Earned $HIVE | Sold $LIST | Avg. Price |
@thelogicaldude | 104.56562639586627 | 4245.8680973649025 | 0.024676363745873623 |
@hivelist | 46.31736959517002 | 1816.0526280403137 | 0.025750000029802322 |
@aiovo | 23.745228266343474 | 1265.8782715797424 | 0.021525000222027302 |
@crypto133 | 14.867747902870178 | 863.6601066589355 | 0.017237500404007733 |
@richardcrill | 7.302476406097412 | 422.10845947265625 | 0.01730000041425228 |
@writeandearn | 5.158699989318848 | 299.00000190734863 | 0.0171666673074166 |
@uyobong | 2.9364283680915833 | 170 | 0.0172500004991889 |
@mawit07 | 2.866262137889862 | 149.2904281616211 | 0.01855000015348196 |
@joemark | 1.962219674140215 | 110.57313883304596 | 0.01990000018849969 |
@charityball | 1.7996816635131836 | 97.72833251953125 | 0.01850000023841858 |
@other | 10.184924000707099 | 564.3869754119187 | 0.018556266091763973 |
Price of the $LIST
This figure shows the smoothed price of the $LIST token:
$LIST Summarize Metrics
Here one can see the sum of $LIST that was bought, the sum of $HIVE, that was sold and the average price (by count) of $LIST for the last period:
All stats are without warranty.
They are taken from:
curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "find", "params": { "contract": "market", "table": "tradesHistory", "query": { "symbol": "LIST"}, "limit":1000, "offset": 0 }, "id": 1 }' 'https://api.hive-engine.com/rpc/contracts'
I have put them into logfiles and uploaded them to kibana, from which I took the screenshots.
If you find errors, please tell me!
If you want to see other token statistics, please contact me. I can create them weekly or monthly if I get some upvotes for it.
For more details see here: How I Have Set Up Elasticsearch And Kibana On My Raspberry Pi To Monitor Token Activities and here: Do You Want To See Statistics Of Your Favorite HIVE Token?
Regards, Achim Mertens