There are many perplexities in Life which are but not limited to social, biological, pear, financial and personal bewilderment. However putting up appropriate measures in managing them will go a long way in mitigating or keeping these issues simple.
The statement has gone viral on the exact age and time in life when one's life and destiny should be taken seriously. Some people have deliberated it to be at 20, some others have sided with 30 years while most others have also emphasized it to be at old age probably within 60.
However, there is never a time one's destiny, profession or career shouldn't be taken seriously but irrespective of the time one makes it in Life isn't that a big concern given to my speculation that the real you begins at 30. Although this may sound ridiculous, but there's a lot to think of.
In the western world and some other developing nations which have attained a high level of civilization, most individuals gain self freedom from 18 while in most cases it's within 20 years and above. However, freedom has so many parameters in measuring it.
For instance, one's level of parental control, level of one's education, income, expenditure etc accounts for personal freedom.
Given the fact that a few of these factors may negatively impact an individual, we cannot absolutely assert that such a person has come of age.
Most writers have insisted that a person isn't free until he owns a home of his' but thismay not absolutely be considered factual sunce there are so many impediment in the society like; unemployment, war Inflation etc. we cannot claim that erecting a personal building or having one's family is an absolute criteria for measuring maturity and personal liberty.
Irrespective of what the case may be, I have asserted that Life at 30 has come a long way while a fool at 40 they say is a fool forever. Nonetheless, let's observe a few things that could help one in maximizing his potential at or from 30 years of age.
Cultivate a Savings Habit.
No one has made it in life by inappropriately consuming all he has without thinking about the future. It is very much important to save irrespective of the income level. There are many ways to save, for instance there is an economic phenomenon propounded by Lord Maynard Keynes which suggests that one's investment equals his savings.
Nonetheless, cultivating the spirit of savings doesn't solely mean to keep your money in a dormant bank account. Money that was invested is the same thing as saying you saved the money. Saving money through investing it into profitable businesses can go a long way in making life pleasurable at 30 since there is the proclivity that someone at this stage has started earning income.
Start Pursuing Your Dreams and Profession.
There is no misery in life like one not living upto his dreams. Dreams are the driving force to breaking indomitable grounds while factoring happiness as its end.
Pursuing one's dream earlier in life should be prioritized but if at 30 one could not sculpt a dream for himself, that would tantamount to not having existed because there is an adage in Igbo language which goes that you don't learn a dancing step at old age. This has made it important that parents should inspire and also support their children in improving as to meet up with standards as other children.
Do Away With Smoking.
This is one of those habits that destroy people's dreams and futures. Smoking is a habit that has the possibility of putting lives in peril irrespective of who's involved. However research has shown that people who quit smoking before 40 years of age have a lower mortality risk than people who continue smoking at or after 40 years of their age.
We may not fathom the risk that smoking could cause but we have seen the aftermath of smoking in the life of those who are habitually addicted to it.
Don't Compare Yourself to Others.
There is never anyone competing with you in life which makes it important to always be yourself and never live as though you're in a race with someone. Life at 30 may not be easy given the fact that one is just getting used to certain things about Life however, doing things according to your capacity is the way forward in breaking ground at 30.
Embrace Exercise.
We all know the effectiveness of exercise in our respective lives. For instance it makes one healthy, looks smart and also beats your age. Regular exercise helps in building both the psychological and physical part of the body. However, embracing exercise on or before 30 will help one getting used to such exercise and by doing so, it becomes difficult refraining from it.
Know The Jurisdiction of Your Importance.
It is true that this stage of life is also full of distractions of wanting to know and also to be known by all. Understanding who you are and the capacity you've built over the years regarding your career and profession will guide you in knowing your limit of operation and areas of importance against becoming jack of all trades. There is no monopolist of knowledge anywhere in the world and understanding one's values at this stage of life will guide in optimizing your core individual abilities.
Live Frugal.
There is never a time new things will go into extinction meaning that new inventions, technologies, fashion etc will keep proliferating. However, from personal research, I observed that 10 out of every 10 people at this stage of life want to live their lives in grand satisfaction but the fact remains that there is never a time it'll all be enough.
Living a simple lifestyle at this stage will help in minimizing expenditures while improving personal savings given to your disposable income. Inculcating extravagant habits will compel one to spend even when he's left with nothing thereby making borrowing inevitable.
Everytime is not always right to get it right irrespective of what the situation is. Nevertheless, Life at 30 has a lot to tell, and getting it right or wrong at this stage of life is highly consequential as it impacts positively or negatively in one's old age.
Consequently, it is paramount that everyone trade life with caution regardless of the best time one wishes to take things soberly. However the underscores above can help in getting it right especially for folks within this circle. Thank you for going through.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
you made good points. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for going through friend.
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Well... getting it right at the stipulated captioned age, is not bad at all, sometimes life doesn't favour people that way, hence is a great idea to take any single opportunity that comes acrosss, thanks for sharing this wonderful article friend
you're right friend, it's important to live circumspectly and also making good use of every single Opportunity that comes our way.