
Have heard the term, "dead cat bounce" before? 😉 Be cautious out there.

it's easier to analyze than to trade, not a big deal just a hop on the business.

That's very true. So you haven't been trading?

I've been trading funded next, you?

What do mean by 'funded next'?

I don't trade actively any more, takes too much time to keep up with everything.

HEREi Al I also trade very professionally than u can imagine


keyboardsErio seriously

Then it will be good. But Are you from the future 😅?

and given last tile Hive was .25 cents (USD) Bitcoin was $15,800.00 I’d say Hive could hit .20 on a drop below 20K Bitcoin easily. I’m getting my buying shoes ready!

please do, it's bulling tomorrow but taking a short break on Monday then on Tuesday is the real stretch on the Bull. So get your buyiy mandibles tight!!

I’d guess .18 cent Hive on Bitcoin at 15K area… screaming buy if that happens