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RE: A festive giveaway: Win the rare robin 'R' 10p coin Tlthis Christmas!

Alright, here's my joke, and i'm going to be keeping with the alphabet theme. Specifically the letter R...

So everybody knows a Little Johnny joke, Little Johnny is the grader with the foul mouth... One day at school. The teacher decides that she's going to teach them the alphabet, so she starts with the letter A, she says to the class "Who can name something that begins with the letter A?" Well Little Johnny starts squirming in his seat, waving his hand going "Me Me, me, teacher," and the teacher says to herself. I can't pick Johnny. He'll say something like asshole. So she picks on Susie, right next to him, says, "Okay, Susie name something that begins with the letter A" and Susie goes "Apple, apple starts with the letter A" "Very good."
he teacher replies. "The next letter is the letter B. Who can name something that starts with the letter B?" Well, Little Johnny is over there kicking and waving his hands like he is trying to signal a passing ship. The teacher thinks no I can't pick Johnny. He'll say something like bitch or bastard Instead, she picks his friend and says "Tom.
Can you name something that begins with the letter B?" Tom thinks a moment and then replies "Ball, ball begins with the letter B." "Very good." The teacher replies, and so she continues on through the letters and Little Johnny is more and more excited with each passing letter. Until finally, the teacher comes to the letter R... She asks the class "Who can name something that starts with the letter R?".. Well, Little Johnny is squirming and waving his hand like he's about to pee himself... And she says to herself, I can't pick Little Johnny, because he'll say something foul mouth like... And she stops and thinks, and she can't think of a single bad word that starts with the letter R. So she decides, okay, Johnny name something that begins with the letter R. So Johnny says "Rat teacher rat begins with the letter R"... "Very good, Johnny!!" she exclaimed astonished in his reply.. and then Johnny continued, "... But teacher, I mean a rat with a dick, this big..."



Thought you might like this one,..

A child gets home. His mom and dad are at table. His dad asks, “Why did you took so long, boy?”
“I was at the library, studying for an exam”. The detector beeps. The father explains, “this is a lie detector, boy! You better tell the truth…”
“Ok, ok, I was at a friend ́s house and we were watching a Christian film…” The detector beeps. “Fine! It was a porn!”
The father looks at him disapprovingly, “I’m ashamed of you! At your I age I never lied to my father!”. The detector beeps.
His wife bursts into laughter. “Well, he certainly is your son!”
The detector beeps.

That's a good one