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RE: That Idea of 'Removing' the Hive Rewards Pool

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

(@ifarmgirl ... the passion I am about to express is not directed at you. I'm just a little tired of this idea ... content creators have stayed here through the bear and kept the chain alive, and the idea of throwing their reward for that into uncertainty while the world is still going through so many crises annoys me GREATLY. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.)

In English, Loud and Clear

LISTEN, EVERYONE ... Hive's major distinction is that Hive literally keeps people alive through that reward pool, around the world, and has done so through three years of a pandemic. Hive LITERALLY empowers its community to LIVE. In addition, you've got Hivers here getting crypto adoption through the bear -- people need to pay attention to what @mcsamm, @hivedeb, @hivesucre, and @lacasitahive have been doing in particular in their home countries -- and then you have @skatehive doing unique work.

As of today, I was No. 1 in Wealth Management and No. 7 in Personal Finance in Amazon's Kindle Store for my new book -- and in that new book, I have Hive out there equal for consideration with Bitcoin and Ethereum because of what it is doing in the world. I assure you, if Hive's witnesses agree to take all this progress so many are working to build away -- if removing a sure way for people to come here, do honest work, and get life-sustaining resources around the world is removed in favor of some untested system, I will be just as excellent a communicator in being just as honest about why I no longer will support Hive.

(And, YES, I am translating my response into Hive's second and third most important languages so more of the WHOLE COMMUNITY can know what is going on here, and putting this story up top in my weekly Hive newsletter tomorrow so the WHOLE COMMUNITY can know this is on the table.)

En Español

@omarcitorojas, confío en que harás llegar la noticia sobre este tema de la eliminación de recompensas de contenido a la comunidad de habla hispana.

*ESCUCHEN TODOS... La principal distinción de Hive es que Hive literalmente mantiene vivas a las personas a través de ese fondo de recompensas, en todo el mundo, y lo ha hecho durante tres años de pandemia. Hive LITERALMENTE permite a su comunidad VIVIR. Además, aquí tienes a los Hivers adoptando criptomonedas a través del oso: la gente debe prestar atención a lo que @mcsamm, @hivedeb, @hivesucre y @lacasitahive han estado haciendo en particular en sus países de origen, y luego Haga que @skatehive haga un trabajo único.

A partir de hoy, soy el número 1 en gestión patrimonial y el número 7 en finanzas personales en la tienda Kindle de Amazon para mi nuevo libro, y en ese nuevo libro, tengo a Hive en el mismo nivel de consideración que Bitcoin y Ethereum debido a lo que está haciendo en el mundo. Les aseguro que si los testigos de Hive aceptan eliminar todo este progreso que tantos están trabajando para construir, si se elimina a favor una forma segura para que la gente venga aquí, haga un trabajo honesto y obtenga recursos vitales en todo el mundo, de algún sistema no probado, seré un excelente comunicador al ser igualmente honesto acerca de por qué ya no brindaré soporte a Hive.*

Auf Deutsch

@der-prophet, ich vertraue darauf, dass Sie die deutschsprachige Community über dieses Problem der Entfernung von Inhaltsprämien informieren.

*HÖREN SIE ALLE ZU ... Der größte Unterschied von Hive besteht darin, dass Hive die Menschen durch diesen Belohnungspool auf der ganzen Welt buchstäblich am Leben hält, und das auch in den drei Jahren der Pandemie. Hive befähigt seine Community buchstäblich zum LEBEN. Darüber hinaus haben Sie es hier mit Hivers zu tun, der durch den Bären die Krypto-Einführung vorantreibt – die Leute müssen darauf achten, was @mcsamm, @hivedeb, @hivesucre und @lacasitahive insbesondere in ihren Heimatländern getan haben – und dann Sie Lassen Sie @skatehive einzigartige Arbeit leisten.

Ab heute war ich für mein neues Buch die Nr. 1 in der Vermögensverwaltung und die Nr. 7 in der Kategorie Persönliche Finanzen im Amazon Kindle Store – und in diesem neuen Buch habe ich Hive gleichberechtigt mit Bitcoin und Ethereum in Betracht gezogen es tut sich in der Welt. Ich versichere Ihnen, wenn die Zeugen von Hive zustimmen, all diese Fortschritte, an deren Aufbau so viele arbeiten, zunichtezumachen – wenn die Beseitigung einer sicheren Möglichkeit für Menschen, hierher zu kommen, ehrliche Arbeit zu leisten und lebenserhaltende Ressourcen auf der ganzen Welt zu erhalten, zugunsten von Gunsten aufgehoben wird eines ungetesteten Systems werde ich ein ebenso hervorragender Kommunikator sein, der genauso ehrlich darlegen kann, warum ich Hive nicht mehr unterstützen werde.*


It beggars belief that it's talked about seriously at all... I don't understand. What's wrong with Hive right now, why change something so fundamental? I get it, just throwing an idea around but seriously. Why remove one of the most powerful aspects of this whole Hive experiment? How priveleged a position would one have to be in to consider 'removing the rewards pool' a viable proposition or even a positive? I really need to catch these town halls...

Most of us don't and we have a lot of questions we want to be answered so yes, we should attend the next town hall where this topic might be discussed in detail.

Hive have been a great deal for many people not only onchain but offchain too. Well, am just trying to the whole thing means. Thanks for airing your views here

To simplify: there are people on Hive who are not happy with people like us being rewarded in Hive or HBD, but want to put us on Hive community coins of some kind (take for example, LEO, Neoxian, Luv, and many more) that we will then have to swap through Hive to get back to Bitcoin, which is spendable around the world because it links to so many national coins people spend to deal with their LIVES.

The problem is, the community tokens are only as solid as the people running them, whereas Hive is established and the chain itself does the work in getting the value to content creators. You do your work, the community votes it, you receive your reward and take it and do what you need to do. That's how it's supposed to work. That's the promise that drew most people here. The idea of breaking it is utterly ridiculous. I've already had my experiences with these community coins -- I will name names and tell stories if put to it, with all the mass communication skills I have -- they are only as good as the people running them, and I am increasingly convinced many of them are of the same profit-focused, colonial mindset that presumably Hive is supposed to be a refuge from. I will not, as a descendant of those cruelly enslaved Africans who built the United States without being compensated, stand for Hive changing to just another version of the legacy of the exact same abomination. I will not stand for the high and mighty here, playing with people's lives so they can hoard the value of Hive for themselves while teasing us with their play money!

I concur wholeheartedly!

Wow. You've said a word, Ms. Dee. I can't believe this. Greed is everywhere. An utter disappointment, to say the least.

Fortunately, the community pushback is strong -- a whole lot of us are not going to stand for the foolery of the few on this subject!

You're welcome Deb. And hope you read Deanandmathews explanation below.

Yes, momma....I am getting more light. Thank you

Leider verstehe ich nicht ganz in diesem post wie ich dir helfen kann.

Dein Buch habe ich leider erst zur Hälfte gelesen.

Zwei Infos aus deinem Buch hätte ich anders erzählt. 😉

Bitte teilen Sie der deutschen Community mit, dass die Zeugen von Hive darüber nachdenken, Belohnungen zu streichen, damit die Community abwägen kann, ob sie dies wünscht.

Was mein Buch betrifft, nehmen Sie sich Zeit. Ich freue mich über Ihren Beitrag dazu, wie Sie bestimmte Dinge angegangen wären, denn ich lerne immer noch und der Lernprozess in dieser neuen Branche wird nie abgeschlossen sein.

Thank you for putting your thoughts out here and you're right about how Hive is helping many in their lives, putting food on people's tables through the rewards pool. I would like to believe that these and many others will be considered when further discussions will ensue. The idea was thrown during the Town Hall and there was not much info except that there will be another session for it.

By the way, congratulations to you on your new book and making it to the top spots in Kindle :)

Thank you so much ... I got to that milestone on just the right day. I want Hive to succeed so much, not just for me, but for all the wonderful people who I have gotten to know, whose lives have been changed -- this idea that would wreck it all pops up too much for me to be silent about it and not take a stand. I intended to make the town hall, but Launch Week has been intense ... but best believe I plan to be at the next town hall!

That's an impressive feat which I believe wasn't easy to achieve :)

It will truly be disheartening if the rewards pool is taken away unless there is another option that rewards people better than how it is done now.

Yes, it's best to attend the next town hall which I believe will be next month (December).

Here here!