
2/20 So, I was talking through the multiverse to my dear friend Captain Marcus Aurelius Kirk (kid cousin to the famous fleet cousin Kirk you know better from the original Star Trek), and he was excited!

3/20. “You're working on a threadstorm? Ms. Dee, do I ever have a 23rd-century story for you about that! Get a load of this, from what happened to me about two weeks ago:”

4/20. “The energy of two black holes and a neutron star orbiting each other – it's a threadstorm, in essence.” lightning braid 1.png

5/20. “This energy storm has been slowly moving across the frontier, and I ship boldly where no one has shipped before, so, you can guess that it eventually became a problem for me and my competitors.”

6/20. “The thing is a threadstorm about twice the length of the Solar System, depending on how you count it – I know you live at just about the time when Pluto gets demoted as a planet, Ms. Dee.”

7/20. “Yes, Capt. Kirk, we're just discovering the Oort Cloud, and Voyager I has just gotten out to and is letting us know about the heliopause.”

8/20. “The cousin of mine you know better has a whole story about the Voyager series of space exploration to tell you, but not today, Ms. Dee.”

9/20. “Oh, we already got that story through the multiverse in 1977 – it's called Star Trek: The Motion Picture around here. But anyway, tell me about your threadstorm.”

10/20. “Ms, Dee, the threadstorm was not the problem – we all went out to have a look at it, and most of us decided the only thing to do is to reroute shipping around it -- time is money, but life is worth more.”

11/20. “I had a competitor, though, who was on his last straw with me, and he was among those that thought we should use warp fields to move the phenomenon back out of the way. I have more influence, and so my opinion held, but ...”

12/20. “I looked up and that storm was being pushed toward me and the ships with me at Warp 5 – I mean, the threads were almost right on top of me.”

lightning braid 2.png

  1. “My competitor had decided to kill me, but some years earlier I had helped a Beamerling get home...”

beamerling3.png 14/20. “… and the Beamerling's father gave me some warp-skip crystals to use in case of emergency. This was the emergency!”

15/20. “It was five ships against one – Warp 5 times five ships is a compounded field of Warp 25. So, I had to get my enhanced warp field up to Warp 25 to stop the bulk of the thread from completely overtaking and destroying my ship.”

16/20. “But then, my field got up to Warp 26, and so the threads started moving back toward the ships trying to kill me. They weren't ready for that, and one by one, their crews panicked.”

17/20. “The problem, Ms. Dee, is that ships that can put out warp fields at Warp 5 cannot move much faster than that. Commercial ships top out at about Warp 7.”

lightning braid 3.png 18/20. “When my competitors panicked and dropped their warp fields … do I need to say what happened to them?”

19/20. “No, Captain, you don't. I'm just glad you are all right, with your crews. That's quite a story, but I assure you that on my side of the multiverse, threadstorms are just the new way to communicate in the Leoverse on Hive.

20/20. “Glad to hear it, Ms. Dee, and I'll spread the word on my side of the multiverse… reading and responding to threads will pass the time for my crews as we keep on boldly shipping where no one has shipped before.”

Oh wow... this is a great #threadstory :) Hope the captain will #thread too while he and his crews spread the news about it :)

"Captain's Thread, Stardate 08-07-2262 ... technology from the 21st century has been restored to the 23rd century through a friend on the still-running blockchain Hive ... we will explore this as a new way to keep a personal log."

That's nice! Really awesome!

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