In general, I have ignored a lot of this back-and-forth shyte in favor of looking at how many "units" (minutes, hours, days, weeks?) of labor/effort I have to put forth to get one "unit" of the basics needed to be alive today (shelter, food, healthcare, communications, etc.) without any fancy options.
And that's generally not a pretty picture, most of it due to the artificially inflated price of housing. And that — most likely — can be attributed to housing having gradually evolved from meaning "home, a place you live" to "a commodity you invest in," due to the attendant demands of higher and higher ROIs. It's also where a lot of "shadow inflation" can be found...
"But we haven't raised our rates in 10 years!" exclaim the insurance companies and the minicipalities... indeed, your premiums/assessments per $1,000 may not have changed much, but since your house valuation has gone 3x so has the actual check you have to write for insurance and property taxes.
Since there is so much "air" in property values these days, it wouldn't surprise me if we see a landslide correction there, in the not too distant future...
yeah the real estate debacle is... real
which is clearly caused by everyone using property as an investment
super inappropriate at this point