Such a blessing

Yesterday, I minted a few of the Punks on Hive and was lucky enough to get this one above. I am not sure how rare it was compared to the rest of the Punks in existence, but it is the only one that has the laser eyes at the time of writing this, so it could have been the most rare Punk based on its score.
I had gone back and forth about how much to list it for or to hold it and see how the Punks project goes, but ever since my family had COVID, we began to accumulate some pretty severe medical debt. Our daughter ended up being admitted to the hospital after we thought that she had recovered, and she spent about a week being treated for MIS-C.
So I just want to give a massive thank you to @elmerlin for purchasing my Hive Punk for 5555 Hive. I really hope that you are able to sell it for what you want and make something from it. I also want to thank @themarkymark for the work that he has put into creating these. The real time rarity checker is such an awesome tool and a real fun way see how your NFTs compare to the rest of them.
I know there are a lot of people that will say that I sold it for way too cheap, but those people are not in the same position that I am in life. I am extremely happy with my sale and I won't regret it at all, even if it sells for the new asking price of 50,000 Hive. Profit is profit in my book and I really lucked out with what I got. One of the things I have learned over the years in my crypto journey is to not look back and on what you should have done or could have done when it comes to buying or selling your crypto. All that matters is that I made an amazing profit and my kids are going to have a great Christmas this year.
The best kinds of trades are ones which both participants are happy to forego their asset in exchange for the other.
I have no idea what the value of the punk I purchased from you will ultimately be, heck it might even just become a value-less trophy item. But the important thing is I value that, and thank you for selling it at a price I deemed worth the money.
I'm not sure if other trades of similar value or more have happened -and I think this would be a useful feature to have at some point- but hopefully as more people tender the amounts asked and more collectors show up, there might be some real legs behind all this!
Thanks @derangedvisions and thanks @themarkymark for a wonderful experience!
Hey @elmerlin
Would you be interested in buying any of my punks? I wanted to sell a few dozen for a decent price. Got some in like 300 to 500 rarity :) Let me know if you want to talk more and we can chat on discord. https://punks.usehive.com/gallery/truthforce
Thanks for reading :)
Hey hey @elmerlin just let me know the id of the punk you want to buy if you are interested and price. Needs to sell a few more
Thanks again man. I really hope that this purchase works out for you.
millions of hiveeeeee
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hive is a scam. The devs and whales are greedy. They dont care about anyone but themselves. Nobody outside the inner circle gets anything but crumbs.
All bullshit as we said for years.
Congratulations to you on your windfall. It is wonderful to see some nice chunks of Hive being spread around.
Already we have a major winner from Marky's latest creation.
Hopefully there will be a ton more out there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ya, I get so sick of hearing those lies that people spread about our chain. We have an awesome community here and the future is really bright.
To some extent, more haters is a good thing, I suppose.
In every community I have ever been a part of, there have always been those crappy people that spread stupid unfounded lies.
1 person tries to sell stuff on eBay, they are inconsistent and give horrible customer service, they lose money and have a garage full of crap they never learned how to sell.
I try to resell, and inside of 2 years, I replace my full-time $20 an hour Walmart job.
Hive is no different. The more I put into it the more I get back. In my opinion, people just do not want to put in the work, and they want to ridicule anyone that does.
Their loss :-D
Wao. Congrats.
I myself have pulled some nice rarities. No as good as yours, though.
But still good enough.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I saw that just a few minutes ago, amazing!
Thanks. It was a pretty incredible experience.
It's gratifying to know someone will buy these... probably not my crappy ones though.
I will buy your crappy ones for 2 hive
What? What are these HIVE punk things and how do I make one lol. 5 thousand hive for some cartoon image thing?
5555 Hive for Rarity of 6782. That's 1.22 Hive per Rarity in linear terms. :)
WOW, what a nice profit you got there. Hehe, you really were lucky there that you got this rarity Punk. Anyway like you said, do not look back only look ahead, what life gives you, that is supposed to happen.
Thanks man. Looks like I also sold at the perfect time.
Wow, that makes me more glad I bought a bunch of them. I wasn't entirely convinced that they'd hold a ton of value at first, but then watching how quickly they were selling was giving more confidence.
Congrats on selling yours for so much! It'll be interesting to see if that ended up being more beneficial to you or the buyer. I would love to think that it'll be worth even more Hive someday, but it's gonna be hard to tell until some time passes.
Thank you. I am sure it will take a while before the real value of these punks are revealed. Hopefully everyone that was able to purchase some are able to make some decent profits from it.
awesome... gotta say i was really considering it when it was listed at 5000
How many did you end up minting? I have 4 more, but none are that rare.
That's a good price. And a better one for you and your family. I hope your daughter is better by now. The project has already served a great purpose.
Thank you. She is doing a lot better, but we are always worried about when we will catch covid again and how her body will react to it.
I wish you all the best for your daughter and family. Stay strong.
I think you gave it away pretty soon. This guy has one of the highest rarity that I have seen...
Dang if I would have had 5k hive liquid I would have bought it myself
Well, it looks like I parted with it at the perfect time now. So I will call it a win.
Regardless of how awesome we do there will always be a few jerks that want to poo poo your achievements, I think that is how they make themselves feel better.
You made an amazing profit and created a win-win scenario, which I highly respect. You made a great profit, and the person that purchased it from you will probably also make a great profit, or add to an already awesome collection :-)
If I purchased something for $20 and then flipped it for $5,555, I would be the hero of the reseller community lol
People will always say you sold to early or too late, but I am sure that 99% of people would have done the same. As long as you are happy with your decision, that is all that matters, and I am extremely happy with my decision to sell when I did.
That's massive - I am yet to see my punks - have bought some where near 60 - 70 of them.
Congratulations! You really are lucky to catch such a rarity, then get a buyer who was willing to pay the price. Well done!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I bought your other punk. I'm taking a big risk here.
Congrats on the sell! One heck of luck you have bruh.
The other one you bought will make you a billionaire one day. Don't worry.
Ups, that rarity...
Damn, congrats!
Thanks man. I appreciate it
As it turns out I also just sold the rarest punk I had for 500 HIVE.
Hell ya man. That is awesome
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I'm sorry to hear about your daughter bro, I hope she can recover and that you guys can get out of debt, I know (like everyone else) how hard it can be.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks. I really appreciate it.
That is a pretty awesome experience. 8 hope it helps ease 4he financial burdens. Good luck to you and the fam. Here's to good health, happiness and ease!
Thank you
Woooow congrats!!!
Awesome and epic
5555 Hive is so amazing. Congrats though.
wow, congrats, that's a nice sale :)
Thank you
Incredible how much real world value is being created out of nowhere! I just hope the Federal Reserve doesn't get their hands on something like this....
Congrats man! really happy for you.
Thank you
I saw that! Congrats man, you cashed in nicely with the punks :D
Thanks homie.
So hyped about it. Now I can sell some of the ghosts on ETH
Congrats! I'm glad you managed to sell your for such a good price!
Inspired by your post, I tried minting a punk too. So far not much has happened. I'm 20 HIVE poorer, but so far no punk to be seen. Did you get to choose yours? I didn't even have that option, just minted it, and then it took me back to the starting page, with the options of Market or Mint. Hmmmm... I wanna give it some time, and if I still have no punk by tomorrow, I'll check around on their discord.
Thanks man. No you don’t get to choose anything with the minting process. It is all random. With how fast they are selling, it can take a few hours for it to show up. But I haven’t had any problem with them showing up in my gallery when I mint them.
Cheers for the quick reply @derangedvisions ! Yeah, I'm pretty chilled, actually, having strong confidence in the blockchain. And for sure, I was surprised to see how few of them are left, compared to when I minted mine ... only half an hour ago.
Hopefully you got some good ones.
Well, to be exact, that should be "A GOOD ONE", as all I bought was one. But the site seems to be under maintenance at the moment, so I'm hoping once it comes back up I'll have my surprise punk.
Well 20 hive for 5555 is huge profit, no regrets.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ya, I am not complaining about the 3000% gain
Profit is profit and that's all that matters.
I wish you and your family all the best and am very happy for you, that you minted this rare punk and could sell it for a nice profit.
Thank you
Wow nice!
How you minted punk?
You need have token in stake or something?
You mint them here
How long I need wait until I get one?
I just sent 20 hive through this site and my gallery is empty.
It can take a few hours because they are getting backed up. A lot of people are minting right now and the system updates rarity on each punk every time a new one is made.
I gonna buy more and wait for them to arrive!
Congrats to you
Thank you
You are welcome
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
this is the best kind of trade thou, one with empathy attached to it.
Thank you
I cant see 5555 without thinking about staking hex for the maximum length (5555 days lol)
When it comes to NFTs I think No Fucking Thanks.. they are great to sell, not to buy. GL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
To each their own. NFTs are in their infant stages right now, but they are going to be massive for the future of investing and collecting.
I hope so, lots of people who never cared about art are gambling on jpegs loosely connected to serial numbers.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congratulations man! That's a nice profit you got there :) you gotta love that 27,000+% profit margin ;)
Wishing a good health for you and your family.
Advance Merry Christmas!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/77) Liquid rewards.
woooo damn! sweet gainz!. congrats dera!
Ohhhh! That was a great sale, my friend. Congrats!
Thank you
That's a great deal. Congrats!
What a great story. Wish you and your family a happy and warm Christmas. Stay Blessed!
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Punk on Hive is amazing.