I'm so used to being moaned at or insulted; your comment took me by surprise!
I have no reason to tell Porkie Pies and I have no hidden agenda. I'm not like those folks who hide behind their keyboard. If I think something is wrong I'll say it's wrong regardless of who gets upset.
I have two issues when I write on Social Media, and I class Hive as Social Media
- 1. I can never seem to get my thoughts down quick enough as if I will lose them out my head if I don't complete the text a.s.a.p. which then lets mistakes in.
- 2. I do write as I speak (How very observant of you.), which sometimes means people need to use Urban Dictionary to find out what on earth I'm saying. LOL
I don't want to sound like a broken record but seeing as some of the issues keep occurring repeatedly, it seems that the only way to make a change is to keep talking about it even if someone screams, "NOT THAT AGAIN!."

Happy to have caught you in Surprise. :D
Surprise is the sister of disturbance. Both are, for me, valued family members, which I appreciate in communicating.
I think it was Alan Watts who once said that the stylistic device of exaggeration (which I have not used here) is basically a must for either one or the other to happen: to be surprised or disturbed. Since I take "disturbance" in a positive way, in addition to what annoys me because of it, I took this sentence to my chest because I find it extremely intelligent.
Transferred to a walking person, it is like stumbling and waking up from a daydream, for example, or being jolted out of the habitual pattern of automatic action. The reason why we react more aggressively to some than to others is probably because we can recognise human patterns very well.
What do you think of these statements?
To make it a bit more complicated, I say that each one of us has a hidden agenda, named sub-conscious, that devilish thing which is also known as "blind spot". If I could see it, I wouldn't be blind to it. A hidden thing that I do not hide from others with malicious intent, but that I simply do not see myself. So I depend on others to point that out to me. When they can do it in a skillful spontaneity, the highest art of communication is completed. HaHa!
But of course, I don't want to sound stupid and I believe you that you write like you talk. It's such a rare thing, that I want to hug you right away.
I agree on one side, to keep talking has an effect. Even though one feels sad or mad about it. On the other hand, I have heard a wise man saying: "Avoid topics about your neighbor, politics and religion". ;-)
Is this you on the picture? Sympathy!
Ahaha. Yes, it is me.
@erh.germany, you've been given LUV from @dickturpin.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)