Why are we getting poorer?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hi,dear HIVErs.

With the start of the new year my country of Croatia switched the currency from Croatia Kuna to Euro since we entered fully in the EU.the exchange ratio was locked at 1EURO=7.53HRK a few months back which seemed fine and reasonable.The thing we all feared was that the stores and and other services will round up the prices to higher value.

And,oh boy,were we correct.The prices spiked up about 20% for everything while paychecks ramained the same.
The first opinion was that it is the country and the leaders to blame but this is not the case.They are the ones that locked the exchange ratio so we dont suffer a fatal blow from inflation.

The real culprit behind this are actually various bussiness owners and their greed.
For example:

A hairdresser charged 60HRK which is 7.968euro.Rounding up to 8euro would not pose an issue and would be normal and acceptable.But no...They rounded it up to 10euro under the excuse "so it would be easier for EVERYONE to handle new currency".I am sorry,but paying more than 20% extra for the same service is not "easier" for anyone.

And allmost all services are like this.The prices started skyrocketing well above other european countries while our monthy salary are significantly lower.

It is not the global inflation driving us poorer,it is our own greedy countrymen which is truly sad.

A similiar thing is happening globally.All this talk about inflation while major companies report 50+% increased revenue.

Where does this stop?
At the moment there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Do you have any similiar expiriences?
Do you see an end to all this?

Thank you for reading.
Talk to you soon