Earn crypto with Rebuzz (2020)

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Rebuzz is an application and a micro blogging social network similar to Twitter, TikTok and Instagram. The platform is decentralized, uncensored. Available on the Appstore and Playstore.

It allows you to earn Rebuzz coins, depending on the engagement that your posts generate. You can trade coins on the Altilly exchange for BTC, ETH, XQR... The platform has a little more than 1500 users. Your evolution can be quick because everything have to be created on this network while Instagram seem saturated in most niches ... Please note that this application does not allow you to open multiple accounts unlike Instagram.

Posts can be videos, photos, GIF's, texts, videos, pictures, poll...all ranked by your hashtags. 100 Rebuzz are offered at registration, this balance being the minimum balance to be able to ''like'' the posts and therefore to demonstrate your interest on the posts of your favorite users. The gauge of the engagement you give to other user regenerates every day.

The application is completely free and quite promising. You can also use your coins to promote your posts. Also the platform use a node system.

The creator of the app is the same as for the Bravocoin app. On the leaderboard you can notice that some users already reached the millions of coins milestone.

Some countries may not be available for now but be sure to check it out. Desktop version and new features coming very soon.


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