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RE: Please please PLEASE, Beware of NFTs!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Yea NFT's are some thing i'm still trying to wrap my head around.
I can ctrl C and post your unique item anywhere.

But then...People are actually buying.

It will be interesting to see how this whole NFT thing plays out.
I've got a few Splinterlands NFT's in my wax wallet.
Feel free to buy them up. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is rather silly, isn't it? I screenshot your NFT (or record your audio NFT or whatever), and then what? We both have a digital copy of the same thing. What does "ownership" even imply in that context? What does it entitle one to, you can't sell usage rights to a unique item!

No thanks of the Splinterlands, but - ironically - those may well be worth holding. The Splinterlands community is pretty big and players are on the lookout for more cards so that they can improve their decks. Cards have real monetary value to them, and as such, ARE worth something. Such gaming NFTs are the correct use of NFT protocols, so don't throw that baby out with the bathwater.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta