For me, futures are just like a casino- I put a few percent on futures and play around. It seems to work out, but I don't live on futures, it's just a fun thing for me. I know a lot of stories when people come to crypto and immediately run to trading because it looks promising and people think it's trading. This is a circus. And people lose here.

Anyone can become a successful futures trader, as long as they have the dedication and discipline required. It's important to have excitement for the market, but also be willing to learn and grow. traders are not born with these qualities, they must be developed. Consistency and perseverance are key, as is a willingness to learn. If you have these qualities, you'll be on your way to becoming a successful trader.

Many people dream of being a successful trader, but it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become one. Even after investing a lot of time and effort, many people eventually lose their money. However, there are a select few who manage to make a real living from trading.

It's a difficult profession and it takes a lot of dedication and hard work to succeed. I want to remember all the people who started trading and really earned money. Unfortunately, I don't know any of them.
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Regards, @dolov