I think we always find the time do what's important to us, as this article is to you.
I hope you get more free time to do everything you want to do in the future.
I happen to be the opposite. I am technically below the poverty line by quite a bit, with a 2 person household on one income, but we live very well, traveling the world constantly, living in Airbnbs with few posessions, and I don't have to be anywhere for anything. I have bought one article of clothing in the past 18 months (not including glasses)
I'm very time rich, and have time to build things I want to, whether or not they end up making me money. I can write the papers I want, build what I want, write what I want.
I say this because I know you can do this too- if you are willing to be "poor" you can be rich in time. It's possible to live well frugally anywhere.
I am able to do this because I invested time making art and putting it on POD sites and creating courses, so it took a lot of time investment to become time rich, as expected, but I think it was worth it. I still work a lot, but I don't if I don't feel like it, I just almost always do feel like it!!