Our #DreemPort monthly challenges can be "challenging", but our motivation for each #dreemer is unmatched! And every #dreemer can testify to this!
Our #DreemPort monthly challenges can be "challenging", but our motivation for each #dreemer is unmatched! And every #dreemer can testify to this!
Curating regularly in #dreemport and taking part in community challenges, allows me to consume a wide variety of great content encompassing numerous genres and styles. This in itself motivates me to write more and explore new communities.
And to think outside the box, maybe? 😃
I love that I can do things with our #dreemer collective that I never would have tried before #dreemport - out of sheer intimidation! It's so fun to "go together"! hehehe
I can relate with this a lot. I see contents that motivates me and push me on #dreemport. Who knew there were so many gems in a sea of weeds? Looooool!
I am a #dreemer and I can testify to this. The #dreemport monthly challenge has been interestingly challenging 🤩. It brings out that creativity in us and thus motivates us for more ideas while exploring different communities.
hehehe I'm really excited to announce the #dreemport monthly challenge soon for all of us! I think its going to be a lot of fun!!! hehehe I love when our #dreemer family can enjoy one another!!!
I second that sister. #dreemport is very easy to navigate too and fun! and who knows what challenge comes up next? The excitement...ooooooh! Hahahahaha
The support I receive from the #dreemport community is a huge motivational factor. As a thank you I try to give back as much as I can by also motivating others.
These mutual pushes make us achieve goals we thought to be impossible before.
What you said??? is EXACTLY what we hoped for! That we wouldn't have to push, or force or "guilt" people into giving back... but that it would be a natural overflow of what they enjoy and feel in the #dreemport family
Thank you for this!!
Exactly. No one pushes me in a negative sense. No guilt if I do not comment or do not make the time to curate. But when I decide to do it I give it all my attention just like I receive it from the others at #dreemport and that is just great
I'm a #dreemer too. In #dreemport one can find not only amazing friendships but also quality posts. The challenges are amazing and they motivate me to be a better writer.
These #dreemport challenges have been amazing! Another avenue to explore more communities on Hive.
The motivating force at #dreemport is LOVE. After all, didn't we create a lovelution with our fantastic friends at #ecency? What's not to love?
hehehehe that's right - and it CONTINUES!!! The love just keeps changing form - but the driving force connects us all and keeps us spreading joy, generosity, love, support and more! hehehe I love it all at #dreemport! and love you! hehehe
Everything is love on my table honestly. I got to find myself in #dreemport. HA!!!!
Now that sounds spooky @deraaa. Did you stop and chat? In #dreemport?
In the #dreemport threads? Kinda. But if you mean in #dreemport discord... i bared myself😅
In #PYPT inside #dreemport discord. I was there.
Beautifully done, @deraaa 💛
The driven force behind #dreemport is the power of love and genuine engagements to support #dreemers and non-dreemers in their blogging lifestyle....just bring it on!....#dreemport shines on!
That's so true... I love that it doesn't matter if you are a #dreemer or not - you can be just as affected by the love and joy at #dreemport! hehehe So happy that you are a professional spreader of this feeling! hehehehe
Awwww thanks Dreemie🦋🦋...you are the aspiration behind this #dreem and I am a #dreemer in the #dreemport system 💗
Being a #dreemer on #dreemport has impacted me in so many ways. I can't even begin to count. Coming across great contents, meeting new people- you name it. I've met awesome people who share my vision and support me. #dreemport is amazing!!!
#dreemport has exposed me to so many new people and communities! I just can't imagine #hiving without also being a #dreemer