I just had the anniversary of my mom a couple of weeks ago and I will say that I took care of my mom in her last year of life, even moving in with her and abandoning my family for a 6-month stretch because she couldn't live alone and lived 800 miles away from me.
I could take a leave from work.
My point is, I could afford to do it, nobody else in the family could. I saved for college for the kids, put enough money away for emergencies like this. It was doable. That aside, I get what you mean. I don't want to be a burden on any of my family when I reach that point. I didn't mind, but, I do mind disrupting my kid's life. They are young enough now that if something should happen to me, they will be financially and personally cared for.
I think every parent worries about this.
I hope you are feeling a little better.