I guess it depends on what mentality you go in with. Like buying a lottery ticket. hoping that one ticket will make you a millionaire.
I think that to make crypto pay off, it is a lot of hard work, learning new things to apply, and being willing to take calculated risks. No risk, little gain I found. Or, if you are patient, you can let it work for itself, negating that big payoff that we all hope for.
I truly was skeptical, building wealth this way, literally something for nothing... time, but, who can put a price on that. You could post only and build. No money involved. Where else can you do that? I still didn't believe it. Diversify it, build it faster. Who knew? Who believes?
How can we not?
You built this, but, make sure you take some time to enjoy all that you have done. And Brava!
I wonder how many people over the course of the last 5 or 6 years owe their financial position directly to this community. There must be many. Some who aren't here now have used what they earned to buy land, houses and cars, get deposits for mortgages, materials to build with - there literally must be tens of thousands of people who have been significantly helped by Hive. hundreds of thousands who have had some help.
I always hope that people don't sell themselves short, but not looking long enough though.
I know so many that cry they took so much out, but, only when Hive pretends it's mooning. :)