African parents, mostly Nigerians. Believe they know a better spouse for you than you do. They go as far as imposing a tribe to marry and not marry from. Often as a result of tales from history
African parents, mostly Nigerians. Believe they know a better spouse for you than you do. They go as far as imposing a tribe to marry and not marry from. Often as a result of tales from history
That must be complicated, having your parents choose your partner for you. In my culture you don't see that a lot, but parents always want to have a say in what's best for us.
It's good to know your decisions are respected over there.
It's unfortunate that most parents over here still believe we are young to make better decisions.
Oh lovely...
We often have a disagreement on this
Hahaha, sometimes these tales from history is true.
Yeah, but generalizing it is what becomes bad
Yes, you're right.
yeah, no doubt this is very common, the myth that yoruba should marry yoruba... Well all that is changing now sha
Not actually a myth, but demands from parents
God knows that if I have my way, I'd marry from Croatia 🙈. Nothing to happen 😄
Lol. True sha
My parents also wanted me to marry within the religion but I never dated anyone from the same religion so they gave up. Jeez now I remember how difficult they were.
My mum wants the same for me, but I know I'm going to disappoint her expectations