How finances correlate to social existence

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I thought I would drop by and share a thought or so about what is going on in this world and particularly in the U.S. when it comes to the ever change social landscape.

I have been keeping an eye on the financial aspect of the social changes trying to take shape and even get a foot hold in this country. By that I mean that the Democrats are wanting to create a 'Universal Income'. The problem with their idea of Universal income is everyone will be equally wealthy, or rather EQUALLY BROKE.

That to me is not a welcome scenario nor should it be in anyone's eyes. By 'equally broke' I mean that is the only way they will be able to have full control over everyone because everyone will be totally dependent on the government for our individual existence.

I have GOOD NEWS though. There is a Way, on the way, that you can and will build a True Universal Income for everyone that will see the Vision of what the business is verses what it may appear to some to be...a scam.

In the very near future a new business will launch that will share it's Net Profit with every member even for just being a member rather the member chooses to utilize the business tools for the improvement of their own business they may already have or not.

I won't go into any detail here for two reasons. First because I have signed a Non - Disclosure - Agreement with the company that precludes me from doing so. Secondly because, even if I could it would be so time consuming that no one would take the time to read it here.

I can and will disclose this fact for you. As a profit sharing partner you will build a LONG TERM income for your retirement and beyond. By beyond I mean you will be able to pass your account on to your heirs without them having to pay any inheritance tax. You will not find that option available with any other business than OnPassive.

I invite you to take a few minutes and find out what this is about and become a Founder to get the full details about the company. If what you discover doesn't wet your whistle to stay a Founder then simply request a Full refund ($97) and you shall receive it immediately. This refund guarantee is good for one full year AFTER LAUNCH not when you create your account.

You will have access to a ton of archived webinars, exclusive for Founders, as well as all future Founders only webinars. Once OnPassive launches the doors to the Private Founders Club House will close forever.

In closing I hope you decide to take advantage of this opportunity while it is still available.