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RE: Drunken Rant that deserves an upvote!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

to follow-up.

the world is not grey, what a throw-away turd of a line from a supposedly intelligent investor and academic.

there is evil and there is good, it's that simple. vivisecting uighur children, men and women, throwing their organs away or selling them, is indefensible. the people who allowed that to happen are Chinese CCP politburo elites. Those people deserve the same crimes they committed upon others to be committed upon them.

the united states is ressponsible for untold suffering across the world where our rulers have sent merchants of death. those people responsible for that brutality deserve the same fate.

in israel, children are shot, mauled, journalists assassinated every single day in gaza just for existing. those people in israel and the arabic analogue world responsible for the destruction of the region deserve to destroyed.

hammurabi's code is literally the only way we go forward as a people. it's truly that simple.

kant was right about lying. one lie begets all the others and the person is iredeemable after the first deceit. it's just the way the world is. we, full of pride and sin, think we know better than God but we don't.


You are unhinged. The Catholic church, Saudi's, Iranians, even Russians are just puritans compared to the Chinese. Remember when the Ayatollah's were shooting down protesters in Iran not long ago? It's all the same shit. But apparently they don't deserve the eye of eatthebugs because you have your own axe to grind with who you specifically think are the 'worst of the worst'. There's no place on earth where I see just rulers in control. But hey as long as you have your particular scape goats!

I am assuming you think the Roman Empire is the way!