I also think that Balancer has a much better UI and the pool management system gives the pool creator a lot more options than Uniswap.
Uniswap is great for volume and exposure, but they have a problem with front runners jacking up the gas price, slowing execution, and taking a chunk of the rewards that would normally go to liquidity providers. Plus, please correct me if I am wrong, but I do not think Uniswap gives a native token reward for providing liquidity like Balancer does with their BAL tokens.
And if you wish to increase the yield to a whole other level (we are talking over 1000% annualized daily APY at the current prices of the yield farming pool's token), then you can visit https://bit.ly/DeFiTrade and add liquidity to the Balancer pools listed on their site and stake the Balancer BPT LP staking token to the respective pool(s). This way, you not only receive the BAL reward token, but also the native token of the yield farming pool, plus vUSD and vETH, which leads to phenomenal returns!
The DeFi craze started already, and Hive should definitely ride with this trend in order to get more liquidity and exposure from the crypto community at large and beyond.
Of course with much higher returns comes much higher risk. This is NOT financial advice. Do your own research.