from barks to dialogues in Ai games.

in LeoFinance5 years ago

behind combat banter in fear is that whenever possible , AI characters should talk to each other about what they are doing, rather than having an individual character rectal with a bark, different characters carry s short dialogue that broadcast mental state and intentions to the player.

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clarify with barks from some prototypical first person shooter [fps] game play situations, fps is when you fire at an enemy and cries out in pain. when an AI detects the player for the first time you shouts.

when the agent loses sight of the player he exclaims, when you land that shot that takes out your enemy, why the ai always often these barks sound contrived and fall to convincingly sell the situation to the player.

in fears instead of hiving the enemy who got shot the injured AI replies i'm alright this dialogue serves multiple game play purpose , tells the player that he hit someone then it reinforces the illusion that ai are working together as a human like way lastly it hints the player the enemy state of health.