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RE: Is 3Speak's 11% beneficiary asking too much?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I can say that 11% is ok atm. I've seen the bills that 3Speak has to pay each month, and it is not in the hundreds but rather the thousands of dollars. CDNs, encoding servers, and video hosting are expensive, and the 11% also pays the developers and the rest of the team. Dan and Matt have invested a lot from their pocket and have not yet made that back.

Also, 3Speak videos have more support (upvotes) from the Hive community. OCD and TCMD vote a bunch of 3Speak videos. Even with the 11% cut, I think most people make more with 3Speak videos than what they would make with YouTube.

When SPK Network is fully launched, you will have the option to pay the IPFS node operators for the hosting of your video or pay some sort of beneficiary to the platform that will host it, there will be more platforms and the percentage will be different in all. That is what I understand, at least.


This is the kind of answer that I was looking for. I knew that somebody from the team would be able to put my mind at ease. As long as the beneficiary rewards are being used for something beneficial to the future of 3Speak, then I'm all cool with it. I just couldn't help but let my mind wander and start thinking about why it is set to 11%.

You are certainly right. It is amazing that we have so many people posting videos and getting rewarded. Many of which have no following elsewhere and would have little to no chance of ever being rewarded. I'm very thankful for what we have here.

Looking forward to the SPK Network launch!