Has anyone seen this 'documentary'?
I haven't watched it, and a Google search on it yields the obvious results:
We already know for a fact that the Great Reset isn't a conspiracy theory because the WEF openly talks about it on video... so... you'll own nothing and you'll be happy, amirite? And to be fair there are a ton of Great Reset conspiracy theories that go completely off the rails using the known information as a jumping off point into a rabbit hole of disconnected information connected by thin lines of potential delusion (or not).
Cousin Died Unexpectedly
A cousin of mine, Zach, died recently in his sleep.
The autopsy was inconclusive.
I actually wanted to ask if he was vaccinated but, alas.
I don't really want to be making implications like that.
But I assume he was.
He has other medical issues that could of been the problem.
But no one seemed to link these circumstances together.
Opting for: "died suddenly & unexpectedly".
At the end of the day the pandemic was provably overexaggerated. A real pandemic doesn't require a 24/7 propaganda, fear, and shame campaign. In fact, given the rules of capitalism we should have expected the opposite. We should have expected the powers that be to downplay a threat like COVID in the name of profits. It should have been the establishment talking about increased suicides during lockdowns. It should have been the government talking about how shutting down the economy will kill and financially cripple exponentially more people than the pandemic ever could. Instead, this is what the conspiracy theorists were saying as the opposition, which eventually transitioned into a left vs right political issue.
The Rules of Capitalism:
Rule #1: People don't matter.
Within the cold calculating machine that is imperialism and the insatiable thirst for more power, people are 100% expendable pawns. Citizens are collateral, and that collateral has been losing value year over year due to technology, automation, and abundance. Every year the job market gets worse and benefits slashed. We've been in an employer's market for decades. They pick and choose terms, and can union bust whenever they want.
Rule #2: Profits matter.
It doesn't matter if millions of people die. People die all the time. Who cares? What matters is money. If you run a factory and someone dies and you have to pay millions of dollars in legal fees to the family, then it matters. Otherwise no, the economy doesn't care. You're expendable.
In order to understand the machine one must think like the machine.
Given these obvious facts, this raises red flags in terms of COVID and the vaccinations. The entire premise of the lockdowns was that the establishment cares about the population and is willing to take a financial loss to save lives and protect the citizens. Anyone who understands capitalism instantly realizes that this is an obviously blatant lie, and yet the vast majority of the population believes it because they want to believe it; Like watching COP dramas on TV and thinking that all criminals get caught and are brought to justice. The majority of the population is blind (often willfully) and will accept the narrative if they want to believe it. Propaganda 101. I'll spare the segue into the whole proxy war with Russia via Ukraine.
So what the establishment is telling us is obviously a lie. This is where the conspiracy theorists come in and try to fill in the gaps with very little quality information to go off of. Ultimately this is the problem: there are zero trustworthy sources of information. Everyone has an agenda and a bias.
Depopulation Agenda
Many will point to the idea that the vaccines need to kill people because the world is overpopulated and resources are spread too thin. Within the context of people being expendable collateral that is dwindling in value, it's a theory that makes logical sense when looked at from that vantage point.
However, many will make the claim that the depopulation agenda has been ongoing for decades. Really? Decades? A depopulation agenda... and the population just keeps going up regardless? It wasn't so long ago that we were talking about 7 billion humans. Now we are talking about 8 billion. Assuming the depopulation agenda has been ongoing for decades, this would imply that the agenda is a complete failure, or even that it may even be absolutely necessary to prevent an exponential explosion of an already maxed out population.
There are hundreds of thousands of people running around thinking they are geniuses because they didn't get the vax, even though the vax transitioned into left vs right issue. You're not smart, you were just on the other team. Get over yourself. At the same time, the social pressure to get vaccinated was off the god damn charts. To the point of losing your friends, your job, and your freedom if you didn't get this experimental procedure. That's significant and a truly alarming trend that many have equated to Nazi Germany and a Nuremburg Code violation. Again, exaggerations on both sides is the common theme.
Circling back to the depopulation agenda, if we think of the economy as a pyramid (and even a pyramid scheme), then there is a meat-grinder at the bottom of that pyramid that catfishes everyone into scrambling over one another trying not to get sucked through the bottom.
This is not a depopulation agenda, but simply basic imperialism. Rule by fear may have significant diminishing returns, but it is nothing if not persuasive. People often work because they fear the outcome of not working, or so we are told.
Circling back to the concept of capitalism being a pyramid scheme, it becomes obvious that the depopulation agenda theory and basic capitalism are contradictory. A pyramid scheme needs more and more suckers to be born every minute into the system or that system will collapse from unsustainability. A depopulation agenda runs contrary to the very fabric of how the economy and central banking operate.
Another tug-o-war scenario to look at is sustainable practice. Humanity is unsustainable, and we need to transition away from fossil fuel and other non-renewable resources, but at the same time there's a very good reason why we've become dependent on these dwindling resources: they're cheap and easily scalable while the resource remains abundant. However, we are approaching that awkward transition phase where oil and the like are running out and we need to make a change, while at the same time the proposed solutions are not scalable given the current technological landscape.
Circling back to the deep state depopulation agenda.
Okay so there is this all-powerful deep state that controls everything from the shadows. They want to depopulate the Earth for whatever reason. Okay, then why do we still give tax breaks to people who get married and then have kids? Did they forget to take away the financial incentive to have kids? The Deep State is really that comically incompetent? I guess they'd have to be if the depopulation agenda has been happening for decades but the population just keeps going up regardless.
It's so obvious that the way conspiracy theorists present the depopulation agenda is complete and utter bullshit, but they simply refuse to take a sniff of the shit they are shoveling. There are too many contradictory factors in play on both sides. Both sides of the argument: the establishment and the conspiracy theorists, are obviously wrong or lying or otherwise exaggerating the situation to comical levels.
Otherwise exaggerating the situation to comical levels.
Indeed, that is a great way of putting it. COVID was not the threat it was made out to be, and the vaccines were also not the threat they were made out to be. I have to admit I am a little worried though... because the vaccination damage could easily be a slow burn, almost like a sunburn. Right now our skin is turning red and it's not so bad, but even after we get out of the sun it's going to really start hurting and take exponentially more time to repair the damage.
But as I said before, these fear campaigns are completely unnecessary, on both sides. If the vax really is the threat that conspiracy theorists have been claiming this entire time, then there will be no question to whether or not they were right or wrong after 5 years. We're going to know with 100% certainty by then how much exaggeration was really going on.
Excess deaths.
In the middle of the pandemic when there was no vaccine, excess deaths showed us that the pandemic was not really a pandemic. Hardly anyone died. Everyone used absolute numbers like 'hundreds of thousands' and 'millions' to imply bodies were piling up, while the actual percentage of those numbers was more like 0.1% or less. Again, millions is nothing when we are talking about billions. It's a numbers game, and it has been heavily and blatantly manipulated.
The normal amount of deaths for all causes worldwide is around 0.7% a year. Every year 7 out of 1000 people die. We must ask ourselves, how high does that number need to get for us to take a pandemic (or anything else) seriously, to the point of shutting down the economy and taking away personal freedoms and getting people fired from their jobs? For me that number is somewhere around double the normal rate (14 deaths out of 1000).
Given the CDCs own estimates, which are known to exaggerate the statistics in the favor of alarmism and scaring people into taking an experimental medicine, even the worst of the worst peaks of excess deaths are about 30% more than normal. Like I said, I don't even consider these things to be a threat unless it was like 100%+. Maybe more... and guess what? I actually give a shit about whether people live or die, unlike the ones controlling policy and making these decisions. Again, none of the numbers add up, which leaves a void for conspiracy theorists to come in and say whatever the hell they want and that thing will be more believable than the official story, because the official story is complete bullshit.
But both sides always have an answer for everything, don't they? Well, excess deaths aren't so bad, but what about LONG COVID!?! You'll be crippled for life if you get COVID without having protection from the vaccine! If you don't get the vaccine, you're putting the lives of people who did get the vaccine in danger! Because that makes logical sense! Uh huh... sure. Cool story, bro. Again, always an answer for everything. Always a bias pointing in one unilateral direction no matter how the evidence changes; no sources of credible information anywhere to be seen. Scientists refusing to do studies on the control group (vaxxed vs unvaxxed). Yep, super cool.
It's not the vaccine creating heart problems: it's COVID!
Which sounds completely believable until you put it into context.
It's not the vaccine creating heart problems: it's smoking!
It's not the vaccine creating heart problems: it's climate change!
It's not the vaccine creating heart problems: it's poor diet!
It's not the vaccine creating heart problems: it's Mary Jane!
It's not the vaccine creating heart problems: it's anxiety!
It's not the vaccine creating heart problems: it's cold weather!
It's not the vaccine creating heart problems: it's totally random!
lol yeah... cool story bro
Totally believable and definitely not propaganda.
Another angle: Eugenics
Many are claiming that we are all part of a global eugenics experiment where our DNA is being modified by these mRNA vaccines. The reason why we are getting tested so often? Not to check if we have COVID or not, but to run a DNA sample as part of the experiment. I believe some of the companies that create COVID tests do indeed have strong links to DNA testing. It's all so... "coincidental".
Unvaxxed Blood
It's hard to tell if I'm just living my life in some conspiracy theory right-wing hellscape echo-chamber. My Twitter wall is quite the sight to behold honestly. Crypto attracts a lot of conspiracy theory and libertarianism/anarchy with a splash of far-right propaganda. It's fun but it can be tedious at times.
Most recently I've been seeing reports of parents requesting unvaccinated blood for transfusions, with doctors ignoring those requests and babies dying from blood clots. I know it's terrible, but I can't be bothered to care. I don't need to be jumping down more of these depressing rabbit holes. As I've stated prior: if this really is a problem then it's going to get worse over time. It won't be possible to hide it at a certain point.
Biggest fear?
People who took mRNA vaccines will forever be chasing the next mRNA vaccine to correct the problems of the previous vaccine. Again, within the context of capitalism, it is something like this that would make the most sense. You don't kill clients, you make them dependent on you. That's the fast-track to massive profits. The health industry has the monopoly on dependence in a way that no other industry could ever match. If you don't have your health, you don't have anything.
Circling back to depopulation
It makes more sense to sterilize the population rather than kill them. This is a known fact even with feral cat colonies. Dead cats just get replaced with new cats, which is why trap-neuter-return became so popular. Cats that can't reproduce but still consume environmental resources make the population go down in a way that killing them could never achieve. If the vax was really a method of depopulation, this is the real vector we should be worried about. Oh wait looks like they beat me to the punch. Shoot.
Unvaxxed Sperm is the next Bitcoin.
LoL, once again with these incel right-wing men thinking they're going to be drowning in pussy once they're a crypto millionaire with unvaxxed sperm. Sometimes I just can't even. The toxicity of this space is a thing of legend, but I don't even have time to talk about it in this post. Some other time perhaps.
There do seem to be some inconsistencies in the Died Suddenly documentary. This guy seems to be pretty fair with his assessment of the situation. Again, I don't need to watch it because I've seen it all over the Twitters and Hives. I'm balls deep in being told how dangerous the vax is. But like I said earlier: real threats don't need advertising like this. If the situation is still small enough to be hidden, then it's clearly not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be, for now. Not looking forward to the implied 'inescapable' escalations.
Ah it's been a while since I've done one of my classic conspiratorial posts. Feels nice, and also terrifying within the given context. Can't wait to get my brain chip and upload directly to the Internet. Gonna be awesome.
The main takeaway from this is that there is no narrative out there that makes perfect sense. The truth of these matters are hidden, and in all likelihood, will never be fully understood. The world is not unilaterally controlled by a centralized Deep State (but becomes much easier to explain if we assume it is). There are layers upon layers and a million different variables all mashing together within this simulation we call life. Until we can build communities of people who can actually trust each other and reliably perform their own peer-reviewed experiments, it's just a bunch of liars in the mainstream that leave behind a void of confusion and conspiracy theory.
Fill in the blanks, if you dare.
Just don't guess wrong.
You might regret it.
Beware confirmation bias.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One reason why I'm sceptical towards most of conspiracy theories is that they require conspiracies to be too elaborate, too complex and too efficient to function in real life. And, more often than not, they try to bring malice as explanation for things which simple stupidity and incompetence is more likely.
On the other hand, idea of world being controlled by people with clear plans and agendas, even the most malevolent, is more comforting than the world being run by idiots who don't have a clue about anything (like British government few months ago).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
More of a Occam's Razor fan, eh?
Interestingly enough, sometimes the simply and most reasonable explanation ends up being mathematically impossible, then we are left with only the batshit crazy theories.
i find it most effective to focus only on my base experience of reality, and then crucially NOT to try to impose my experiences or my findings on to anyone else as if somehow Im discovering 'truths' that apply to everyone around me. I know nothing beyond my senses. I build a lot of cool stories out of the data I collect from those senses, but nothing which I can truly depend on. Some of it can seem like sound strategic advice for a while (wow, doing exercise in the morning makes me feel great, wow shouting at people in the street leads to uncomfortable social situations, wow gathering information from my sensory experiences and then forming conclusions from them which I can apply to strategies in my life seems to lead to a better time) but none of these 'truths' last for ever, so in order to not constantly fall in to micro instances of complete wrongness which confuse and destabilise me, I have to be prepared to refresh my thought patterns as often as possible and not to project stagnant or rapidly obsoleting ideas on to myself and others. Even this is bound to backfire at some point, so any rule has to be prepared to overrule and unrule itself with ever increasing flexibility.
What do I know at any one moment?
Nothing of anything outside of the everything which is my current base experience
What about my thoughts?
I am experiencing what I class as a thought, which presents itself as a knowing, but which is really only verifiably true by the base experience of its manifestation, as opposed to deriving any truth from the conclusions I might draw from its content
Even the base experience from my previously lived moment is fast declining in quality as a verifiable source of truth. How much can I rely on 10 seconds ago? One day ago? let alone 10 years ago?
From my perspective, people seem to put a lot of energy in to building strategies around increasingly unstable towers of assumption, balanced on the 'memories' of base experiences that are not only given low quality attention at the time of establishment but are becoming increasingly obsolete with every passing moment, even at their truest, most profound level.
Obviously I am wrong, because how can I not be? These statements assume a whole lot of unverifiable junk from outside of my actual base experience. If I can make myself aware of that, apply any perceived usefulness to myself in my current moment and then refresh my thoughts again to avoid unnecessary identification with stagnating conceptual brain fluff, then Im probably doing ok---- for now! But when will that change?? REMAIN VIGILANT...and also relax
sorry that wasnt much to do with your post, but it set me off on one
peace and love x
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes i have seen the docu-drama

and although i am not pleased with all the scary music, or the pushy narrative,
it is none of these:
The docu-drama basically shows what morticians are finding in the bodies of those who have had the VAXXX. Things that have not, before the VAXXX, been seen in dead people.
That these (white, fiberous, long growths in veins and arteries) are there should be the only thing the news covers, and finding out what they are should be the top of every medical scientists.
Sooooo, the counter narrative is completely a non-sequiter.
Like bunting in football. Not even in the right ballpark.
Yeah those clots really gross me out.
I'm a bit squeamish around medical nastiness.
Probably one of the reasons I haven't watched it.
But yeah of course you are right.
Why isn't there a huge push to find out what these clots are?
That's a really big deal.
Oh wait it's because they already know... woof!
Why am I not surprised that this is what people hyper-focus on? lol
You've taken it to a whole new level, friend.
Well, tuesday is barely a few hours away. ;o)
Yes, I did watch it as soon as it came out. It is about the elastic, fibrous clots that embalmers have been finding in the deceased. Originally I had seen embalmers in the UK bringing it up many months ago, if not last year. It's a decent documentary and needs to be viewed by those who did take the vax. My family and I didn't so we are not personally worried, but we are worried about family, friends and HIVERs.
As to what they are, Dr. Ryan Cole and Del Bigtree speak to that starting at 1:03:00 into this video.
Thanks for posting this.
I'm glad you and your family resisted the vax.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have two full ballz full of "the next Bitcoin". Should I feel lucky, smart, or about to get castrated by the elites :))?
I think you should ignore the noise and wait for signal.
I think it will be obvious when it comes.
btw., by now I watched it and I would recommend it very much.
Even I had completely wrong expectations, mostly informed by media...
It does give a few great & new but scary insights.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
so what you're telling me is I'm at the top of the pyramid? I feel like there's a direct connection to that and people who got into crypto early lol
I said many things.
What you focus on is to your discretion.
As much as it's important to read and digest what is been read I still tried not to take some deeply I see them as trash. Too many things dragging for the attention and recognition of man and when you take all of these in surly one would just die .
As you say, there will always be another excuse. It is now "too big to fail". The powers that be, on both sides of the aisle, can never let the "truth" get in the way of them staying in power.
At some point, there will be a reckoning. I have no idea when or what the catalyst will be (not any Duke of Ferdinands out there that I know about), but the anger being fomented by the mainstream media continues to simmer and there is certainly no way that they will do anything to alleviate the pressure. In fact, just the opposite. Too much money is at stake.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, when the world's richest most powerful people state publicly and often that they want the Earth to have a few billion less people than it has now, I believe them.
And yes, I'm pretty much the ubermensch for refusing to be vaxed OR masked. I did lose a pretty good job over the mask.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good to hear others refused the kill shot. I understand how people believed the "science" though. It's hard to think that every leader, celebrity, scientist, Dr., etc. were on board and those that weren't were silenced or worse.
I hope we can recover, but if they were evil enough to do this I have no doubt they will start WWIII to keep power.
Exactly! The only hope I have for the future is carving out an enclave of community in Wyoming that will resist this garbage. I have ZERO hope that the US government ever gets reformed into something positive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Brilliant investigation of yours ! I really “enjoyed” the reading though we’re are supposedly talking about the biggest attack on immune systems and lives of an incredible amount of people...
To me, it’s pretty clear that this genetic thing is wrong and I don’t even need to watch news for that. The left or right side may be relevant in the US, but I’m not sure it works for the whole world.
Thanks you for sharing this very complete article, loved it from an anarchist perspective :) (freedom and not chaos, I always use to add that, not particularly for you, but the term as many others are to much used for propaganda purposes)
BTW, very nice documentary. Watched it once, and thinking to watch it again
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In these circumstances the appropriate response is to do nothing. Wait, watch, and reassess.
I find it difficult to believe in big conspiracies. It gives the perpetrators too much credit in their ability to competently carry it out. At the global scale, I'm sure there are people doing exactly what you have laid out. However, any success they may have will be limited and poorly done.
I think it is mostly gross incompetence that led the governments to bungle COVID. There was a hysteria from the population expecting the governments to do something, so they did. The governments were poorly matched to the task of managing a pandemic. They listened to "experts" with financial incentives rather than perform any due diligence.
From the beginning, we knew the fatality rate was less than 1%. Even if the vaccines were effective in slowing down the rate of infection, it only dragged out what would have been over in a few weeks. Personally, I did not get the vax. However, I did get infected. I got an overnight fever and a cough that lasted a week. While some may have had worse symptoms, the majority would have fared similarly to my experience.
If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd say that had to slow down the spread of infection to give the pharmaceuticals enough time to come up with a BS vaccine to sell. The best way they could do this was by incentivizing people to stay home and businesses to stay closed. It's hard to say no to free money.
The depopulation narrative falls flat in that we are heading into negative population growth in the coming decades. USA, Europe, China, and other developed nations are aging populations. In our lifetimes, we may see the peak number before we start going back to 7 Billion people.
In short, there's some truth to all of this. But I think it's just attributed to overall gross incompetence by the scientists, governments, and population rather than a cast of supervillains.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've touched on a couple of those subjects, some people are just economically unfeasible to keep around, a burden to society.
It could be dependence upon a vaccine for profit gain but it could also just as easily be making people sick for gain of profits:
I've written a couple of others also but I understand where you are coming from, there's so many clutching onto anything for clicks, tonight I watched a video of a couple who took data that was out around the first of this year and presented it as having just come out. I've been a pretty successful landlord for thirty years, part of that is I am huge on body language. There's a few that make the rounds on just about anywhere, coming up with some real weird stuff. When they can't look you in the eye...well you know.