![java javascript ham hamster.png](https://images.hive.blog/DQmNjTieV1vj3ysjnYVuKVA42H5NgYi7NrM1ZSmNB3ZhEXP/java%20javascript%20ham%20hamster.png)
Automation is coming!
Dey terk ur jerbs! All the jobs being created are unskilled labor jobs that pay near minimum wage. Fifty years ago these jobs were called "blue-collar" and they weren't unskilled. We needed people to work on assembly lines in factories. We needed people to keep track of logistics and inventory by hand instead of with computers. We didn't have the Internet. Over the decades, everything has changed.
Even jobs that we thought would be around forever are disappearing. When millions of people can learn something for free with an online tutorial better than in a classroom, what do we need teachers for? When a drone can drop off groceries at my house there probably isn't going to be some high-school kid stocking shelves at the store. Farmers have already been slashed to ribbons by abundance technology. This day in age it would take 100 farmers to do the work of one person using modern equipment.
Abundance is coming!
The powers that be tell us that we will own nothing and we will be happy. How is this possible? Abundance. Supply and demand. If food is infinite then food is free. If power is infinite then power is free. And so on and so forth. The infinite power of the sun (fusion) provides theoretically infinite resources. We just haven't figured out how to harness them yet. But we are getting close.
Displacement is coming.
The reason why abundance technology hasn't skyrocketed out of control already is that governance doesn't move fast enough. What are we going to do when every teacher, truck driver, farmer, and factory worker becomes completely irrelevant? Abundance technology is being held back because the distribution of that abundance is being ruled by scarcity governance/capitalism. Automation can't take over in its current state because that would completely collapse the economy. That's where crypto comes in to save the day.
We've reached a turning point in society.
Used to be we did all we could to make everything more efficient. Higher throughput. Lower costs. Sleek streamlined systems with the lowest overhead possible and the highest yields. Those days are coming to an end.
Now all that matters is distribution and trust. We've reached a major turning point with technology where so much abundance is being created that the bottleneck no longer lies in supply, but rather the fair distribution of that supply. The only solution to this problem is crypto, smart-money, and unbreakable contracts.
Crypto is all about robust redundancy.
Crypto is the opposite of the legacy economy in pretty much every way. There is no such thing as intellectual property. It's extremely secure and trustworthy. It's extremely inefficient.
It becomes obvious that when crypto takes over, there will be an infinite amount of work to do and an infinite amount of money to make because there will be an infinite amount of resources to distribute. So the answer to the question: "What do we do when all the jobs get automated?" is pretty simple: crypto is the answer.
And thus, getting to the actual point.
And after an 8 paragraph introduction we can see where I'm going with all this. Employees that get automated out of the workforce need to be retrained in a discipline that actually has value to crypto. The most obvious thing to ask these people first is: "Hey, how would you like to learn JavaScript?"
Sure, it's not for everyone, but when you're being paid to learn that's a strong motivator. Why JavaScript? Because it is the native language of HTML and web pages. You can use it to boot up a server (node.js) that can connect to the entire world. That server can then connect with a myriad of databases and APIs in unique and valuable ways.
Most importantly, JavaScript is an ASYNCRONOUS programming language. That means when you ask another node for information you don't have to wait for that node to answer you, the code can continue running and will circle back to the promise
that is provided later. This allows us to talk to dozens of nodes all at once without having to wait for them to get back to us in order. It's probably the hardest thing to wrap your brain around at first but it's worth it.
![matrix bits bytes programming.png](https://images.hive.blog/DQmQPk3WWmB9eDUH7TbHwqG9DXEY75Tr29rTvxHsT1fbgFY/matrix%20bits%20bytes%20programming.png)
But how?
How in the hell are we going to teach truck drivers and factory workers JavaScript? I have some ideas on gamification that would help. The biggest motivator is being paid to learn. With crypto, we can make a game that teaches people JavaScript and pays them to do it. Why would we pay them? Because that's what crypto is all about. Those people have value to us and we pay them to bring that value to our network.
When it really comes down to it the chance of truck drivers learning to code in any meaningful way is low, however kids these days are always willing to learn more about technology, especially if you turn it into a game and pay them to do it. I fully believe there will be a high-school billionaire within the next 10-20 years.
Net Ninja
So there's a board game called Hacker that I used to play with my friends. There are these cards you lay down to create the board and then you roll dice trying to hack into servers and stuff to finally become a leet haxor or whatever and win the game.
Hacker WIKI
In early 1990, SJG was developing a game called GURPS Cyberpunk. On March 1 of that year, the company was raided by the United States Secret Service as part of a nationwide investigation of data piracy.[1] The agents took computers, printers, hard drives, at least one pocket calculator, over 300 floppy disks, and an entire BBS server.[1] In the court case that followed, the Secret Services justified their actions by calling GURPS Cyberpunk "a handbook for computer crime".[1]
You legit can't make this stuff up.
Can you fucking imagine? THE SECRET SERVICE trying to say a board game is "a handbook for computer crime"? This is not a joke: this is a real thing that happened.
In any case, there's an award you can get in the game called NET NINJA. We'd randomly make jokes about it. NET NINNNNJA! You can't hear the way that I'm saying it so I guess it's a hilarious inside joke. In any case, eventually I'd like to create a game called Net Ninja that is essentially like a crypto farming game RPG type thing where users actually learn to code JavaScript.
Requiring modules like require('http')
... connecting to other nodes like new dhive.Client()
... setting up firewalls and monitoring/regulating ports. Breaking into other nodes. Whitehat vs Blackhat (reputation system). Contract work. Mining cryptocurrency. Creating Arrays []
... Creating objects {}
... yada yada yada.
And because there will be cryptocurrency involved and there is a MONENTARY INCENTIVE to play and learn, users will be getting paid to play a game where they are also learning javascript concurrently. Would be pretty legendary if I could pull it off.
Before they know it, players who play this game would be learning javascript perhaps without even knowing they are learning javascript. Of course there are some things that need to be dumbed down to make the game more fun, but still.
RIP Python
Honestly I wish I could focus more on getting people to learn Python instead. It's a great language and I like it a lot even if it is very slow compared to everything else. But again, JavaScript is the answer because of its asynchronous nature in combination with being the native language of HTML. Facts are Facts: if we want people to be interacting with web pages and connecting to other servers then it's gotta be JavaScript.
On a certain level this is totally fine because the knowledge one can gain from learning JavaScript can be translated to other languages. Every language has arrays/lists. Every language has objects. These two things are the core foundation of every modern object-oriented programming language. If we can get people learning the basics they'll have an easier time learning any new language.
But what about Sybil attack?
So we make this system and start paying people to learn JavaScript. What happens when ironically some blackhat comes along and creates a bot army that farms the game for money? How do we stop this from happening?
Quite simply put: the underlying cryptocurrency can be permissionless, but the reward pool probably can't be. Players will have to get permission to play the game if they want to get paid to learn. We can't just allow any account to boot up a farm and extract value from the reward pool. That's the likely cost of doing business. This would be an exclusive game available only to accounts that the governance votes approve.
It is possible that the game could be complex enough to avoid the Sybil attack in the beginning, but hackers always find a way when there is money involved. That means it could be permissionless to start and turn into a permissioned system after it falls under attack and gets rampaged by a bot army. Of course I'm getting way ahead of myself because I'm not even working on this project yet. This is all a brainstorm I have sitting on the back burner.
This is all going to cause intense brand loyalty and downright zealotry. This is the attention economy, and giving away money is the easiest way to get attention. Imagine, if you will, someone who was working for minimum wage that gets laid off for whatever reason. Doesn't even matter what their salary was, they are looking for work and jobs are slim pickins.
This person stumbles upon a game that will pay them to learn. Wow, that's pretty crazy. Maybe they can't earn that much in the beginning but it's worth it because it's a game, they choose their own hours, and they are learning a very valuable skill. So they work hard and they learn more and they earn more because they are worth more because there is no longer some centralized agent sucking the lifeforce out of them, scraping away all their gains off the top.
These are the kinds of people who will transition to crypto and never look back. Those networks who provide the opportunity first will earn the reward of diehard brand loyalty.
Once automation takes over, millions of workers will be displaced. It's up to us to train them in a way that is valuable to the new world. Learning to code is an obvious place to start, but there will be many other ways to generate value that haven't even been considered yet.
A new economy is being forged. This economy is the opposite of competitive capitalism. It is cooperative. The days of paying for education are over. The future of crypto is getting paid to become a more valuable citizen. The days of looking for a job are done. In the crypto future the jobs will come looking for you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm a truck driver so I'm sure I'll be fine. Not automation coming for my job!
But seriously, I've asked computer folks this before: Where should I start?
It sounds like you think Java would be a good language to learn. There are so many coding languages and I haven't the faintest idea which ones are useful and which are not. Also, ease of learning is important. At my age, it's safe to assume that I've only got the motivation to learn one, maybe two coding languages. If you know only one, which one?
Also, what if a guy is starting from complete zero? (which I basically am). I've been told it would be good to take a class in basic philosophical logic before diving into coding languages. What say you?
Java and JavaScript are totally 100% different just so I'm being clear.
JavaScript is the language I think everyone needs to learn simply because of its native connection to HTML.
Again, I think if learning is a game and you're getting paid to do it, this makes it much easier to accomplish.
Okay so that's good advice to avoid a myriad of headaches along the way... but it's also SUPER BORING.
It's more fun to just get out there and see what happens.
Then if you run into a brick wall you might need to learn how shit actually works in the background.
For example:
You would never realize that while iterating through a list of assets, if you delete from the list and your index counter goes up, you'll end up skipping over the next asset. So imagine you're checking the third object in a list and you want to delete it, so you do. Now when your code goes to check the fourth object in the list... it actually checks the fifth object because you deleted one and all the indexes changed (subtracted by one).
If you never had any booksmarts about how this works you wouldn't know why there was a bug in the code. However, modern programming languages fix a lot of the bullshit that used to happen back in the day when everyone was using C, Fortran, Basic, and whatever else. The new languages are smarter so you don't have to know as much. For example, all new languages have "garbage collection" that will deallocate memory for you so you won't have any memory leaks. C is faster than everything, but you also have to do everything by hand.
Again, it's more fun to just start tinkering before learning about what happens in the background.
Nice! Thank you for the advice. I might just get one of the coding games they sell for kids and start playing.
But to illustrate where I'm at at this point, all I know about java is that in the bad old days when I had a windows machine, it seemed like every time I turned the damn thing on I'd have to wait thirty minutes before I could use it because "java needs to update." I have PTSD whenever I read the word "java" now.
Haha yeah I hear you, but again the Java you are referring to has nothing to do with JavaScript.
What about Oracle forms? Is it possible that they will ever disappear?
IMHO, you should start with "What do I want to build?"
Knowing what you want to do with a language provides the motivation to research which ones can do it, and to learn that language.
Some languages like C are super general and can do anything you want, but are harder to learn. Some, like Python, are easier to learn and can do many things, some things more easily than others. And some, like Javascript, are focused on certain kinds of tasks, which in the case of Javascript is mainly apps displayed in a web browser.
Also, having something you want to build in mind helps the learning stick, otherwise you'll just be going through a bunch of tutorials and forgetting what you did because it has no real meaning to you.
I'd skip the logic class. Might be interesting but not necessary at all to start coding.
If there's nothing in particular you want to build, you might want to just play with something like Sonic Pi. Code music while learning general concepts like variables and loops that are used in pretty much all programming languages.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you sir! That sounds like great advice.
The future is now old man.
i like games and i kinda don't hate code.
Back in the nineties, I got semi-good at JavaScript when I was building websites for a graphic design company where I worked. Changed jobs and had no need for it for about two decades.
Then a couple of years ago at my last paycheck job before my retirement my vestigial skills came in handy. I was working at a health insurance company. The folks in the mailroom down the hall would periodically get sent a one-page PDF (“File X”) that had to be mailed to thousands of people. They’d have thousands of them printed and then on the blank backside hand-affix address labels, run the sheets though a folding machine, and put them in address-window envelopes for mailing. Easily thousands of Avery label sheets (30 addresses per sheet) of manual labor a week.
I got wind of what they were doing and knew that there had to be a better way. Went online and found a snippet of JavaScript that I could modify so that they could use it to build a large PDF file where all of the odd-numbered pages were File X and all of the even-numbered pages had one address from an Excel file with the address in the correct position for the envelope widow. They could then do a double-sided print run.
They looked at me like I’d stepped down from the cross.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's such a great story!
It never occurred to me that you could do a mail merge with JS. What about just getting the pages offset printed, and then run them through a mail merge in something like Word or Libre Office, feeding the paper through the printer with the backside up?
Sure, there are probably many ways to have fixed their problem. But I knew Acrobat Pro well and remembered enough JavaScript to kludge a fix.
Likely not the most elegant solution, but way better than what they were doing before.
This coding as a game idea, monetary incentives, plus things like GPT3's (rudimentary ATM) ability to generate code from plain English descriptions is also going to usher in a new era of exponential increase in the creation of new software. Sure, most of the apps will be crap, but the sheer number of people programming will virtually guarantee that some extremely interesting, useful, and possibly world changing stuff will come out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This day in age one person can generate enough value for 1 million
It would be great, learn while you play and earn money! What happens is that most people believe that only a group of people can become millionaires, and when we talk to them about learning while playing and earning money it sounds like a scam and they don't want to get out of their comfort zone. They do not know the law of supply and demand.
💥Boom !💥
Read how this all have started with Toruk
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Even if we're dealing with something as high-powered as cryptocurrency on blockchain, a good portion of what makes it possible relies on basic tools avaiable to everyone no matter what device is being used: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
That's the trio of languages usually expected of anyone working with web pages at a basic level. All are easy to learn (even using trial and error), and anyone from ages 8 to 88 can learn them.
If HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are usd together, just keep in mind that each has its role:
HTML is the easiest of this trio to learn.
JS the most difficult (but still easy).
CSS is the trickiest (easy, but head-scratching at times).
As long as everything can be handled by the computer displaying the web page, this trio of tools is all that is needed. When access to a network server is needed, it may be necessary to use more powerful languages such as Python (or even old-school favorites such as Perl or PHP). Whatever hosting service hosting the web pages should have those and/or other programming languages availble.
Regarding cryptocurrencies and blockchains, servers will be involved for reading and writing data. HTML, CSS, and JS won't be enough, but all 3 will be used along with other languages or tools.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I started learning both HTML and JavaScript.
For now, my attention is mostly focused on HTML, once I learn that, next stop is CSS and JavaScript.
I'm still new, but I did some research and literally everyone I listened to, said to start with the basic architecture, and then upgrade it with JS.
Am I doing it right?
If you want to build websites, then yeah that seems like a good appoach. If instead you're interesting in back-end systems, or have some desire to build anything with crypto, I would skip HTML and CSS and go straight to Javascript.
HTML and CSS don't really help you learn JS any better, because they are completely different. It's like learning sign language isn't going to make you a better Japanese speaker.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think back-end demands a lot more math and I haven't really payed attention to it.
It's also harder to learn. Though it's the best way to start frontend, at least for the beginning until I get a full understanding.
Learned a bit of python tho, but wasn't dedicated enough.
I'm curious what you mean about "demanding a lot more math". I've been doing development for a loooong time, and I very rarely do any math. If anything, front-end requires math sometimes to get the viewport right.
The advice I always give people just starting out is to focus on what you enjoy. If you love making web pages look nice, start with front-end. If you love building crypto contracts, then start there. Don't let what you think will be difficult dissuade you from doing that.
And that of course is the problem, not being sufficiently interested in the topic. That's why I would encourage you to follow your interests first.
Good luck!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i work in a national grocery chain and one of the biggest day to day failures is training, and i think the perspective from corporate is that investment in training doesn't always bring return back to the company. the worker can take those skills elsewhere.
but given a crypto asset as payment, the worker is incentivized to support that asset's system. i'm liking this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
SO laziness will be out of the door.
Now understanding all facts presented
80% of the world needs to follow this plan.
I can fully understand where we in the sphere
will jump first. What about the millions with no
internet to start with?
I guess the opportunity is mind blowing.
Glad you are thinking outside the box.
Innovation starts within before it reaches over.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
View or trade
Hey @edicted, here is a little bit of from @pouchon for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.:) firefox allows in new version javascript in pdf :D
Will be a funny time :D
I haven't really coded much in Java Script and I tend to just reply more or less on Java or Python since it is simpler. But I guess I might have to look more into javascript in the future since I am lacking in that language.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's Javascript, not Java Script -- they're unrelated except for the (unfortunate) name.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your post was promoted by @jfang003
Depends on what you are working with. Javascript is nice for working with HTML's document object model, but isn't as strong in other domains. Python is better for data science / processing / modeling. C / C++ / Rust is better for embedded systems and blockchain core code. Other languages have niches in other domains. All comes down to what each offers and how the developer enjoys the syntax.
I prefer Rust / C's strong type enforcement / compilation as opposed to Python / Javascript's weak typing / interpretation just because even though it takes longer to write, it helps to write cleaner, more robust, better performing code.
I like the idea of gaming code learning, I'd want to help in the beta of that, but as for crypto solving money's problems, idk.
Better, imo, if we simply continue to do the work to fill the shelves while refusing wages and taking delivery of what we need from the distribution folks.
As long as the number of folks entering the workforce equals the ones leaving we wouldn't even notice the difference outside the absence of poverty and war, what with all the new found leisure, and all.
Money's problem is that the havenots always have to serve the haves.
The millionaires pay the thousandaires to clean the billionaires toilets.
Better, imo, to expect a minimum term of service to the whole than to try to account for things in money.
You get anything you want for free.
You work less than now.
Human trafficking takes on a whole new dimension when you can't get cash for doing it.
Keep working, stop paying solves a myriad of today's societal ills.
Indeed, I have always desired to learn Java Script but most times it is never easy for me as a beginner.
It is not like me disagreeing... but from a historical perspective: Haven't there been times before when people thought the age of abundance in imminent?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Automation is nothing new, I'm 40 years old and I studied automation systems in high school, it was always there since computers came around and people will be fine; it's a much more deep topic then what we think of it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
actually, there are good learning apps out there. what if instead of creating a new from zero, you just partner with one of them?
those apps already have some kind of gamification/reward system/community ranks in them.
you have 2 options:
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Countless jobs are not jobs yet because we don't value it monetary.
-clean up all plastic from bottom of the ocean not just the floating plastic.
-clean up nature.
-quite asbest/ coal mining get proper alternatives.
-infrastructure in whole usa/russia is drama
-Proper quality food without the use of toxins affordable for everyone.
important but not profitable yet to do...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sign me up! or rather...
My two net ninjas that I have been nurturing since their hatching.
Please keep us updated because this is a great concept.
The world is a changing :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Love it! And I love javascript; I taught it to myself about 8 years ago because I got sick of just doing Android development with Java and wanted to be able to code apps for iOS too. Never thought I would be doing it for front-end and back-end development now.
The most complicated part I have found is getting good at using functions. I spend probably too much time using Ramda to remove any need for writing imperative loops. It's so great when it works, but still takes me a lot of time to get to that point.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta