At the time of writing Hive is processing head-block #49,983,911. In about 14 hours well hit that legendary 50M milestone. Congratulations, 150M seconds of Hive have passed! That's 150B milliseconds :D
Around four months ago I was talking about how it would be cool to launch the premine to my CAH clone card game (I think I've settled on the name Magic Words) on Hive during this time. I'm here to report that I've done close to zero work on that project. How disappointing. Oh well. Really goes to show you how much of a snail's pace development moves at.
I think the thing that really did me in was Hardfork 24. Our network has been in a state of instability for quite some time. However, it's nice to be able to move forward rather than standing still. I'd obviously much rather be stumbling forward than standing still like our "competitors".

Blurt has come under attack by an "unknown entity". When they scrapped the Resource Credit system, they started micro-charging users to post on the platform. In making this change, the opened up the network to a number of attack vectors. Some of the operations on the Blurt blockchain don't have this associated microcharge, so the attacker is spamming transactions and filling up the entire blockchain with garbage without running out of resources to do so.
Blurt has been scrambling for days trying to fix this problem. The attacker is exposing them for what they truly are: a completely centralized project in control by possibly a single person. Thecryptodrive.
Check out this gem I found searching LEOfinance general chat:
This is extremely comical
Because not only is this douchebag profiting from the money he received from that HBD potato nonsense, but he had the audacity to doubt the actions of our top 20 witnesses to the point of forking the entire network into a centralized shit show that he controls.
In response to this attack Blurt is becoming insanely centralized and seemingly dropping off the grid and becoming a private network. They are not reliquishing control of the network like they promised they would, and they didn't even hardcode that promise into the network. "We promise we will return control when this crisis is over." Yeah, I've heard that before.

The Blurt brass has even gone so far as to offer a bounty in exchange for the identity of the attacker. Of course that bounty will be paid in Blurt, so infinite jokes are to be made about that. Take your 300k and shove it. Just kidding I want the money I'll tell you who did it.
It was me.
Yeah, what now smart guys? You think you can prosecute @edicted for "attacking" your busted network? Get real. I'm following all the rules, and if your crap product can't stand on it's own two feet, then it doesn't deserve to exist. Get... out. Now where's my 'money'?
All they had to do was plug the hole of this attack vector, but instead it's being used as an excuse to take unilateral control of the entire network. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Clearly, these guys learned a lot from the current establishment.
The best part is that they still haven't figured out how to stop the attack.
Serious incompetence is being showcased.
Seriously though, these networks are self-regulating sovereign nations in my view. You don't get to go crying to some other government to help you out. Sink or swim based off your own merit.
Andreas Antonopoulos spells this out quite clearly: there is no such thing as "junk transactions". You don't get to tell me what does and doesn't have value on the network. If the fees get paid, then the operation is valid. End of story.
Well, the 'fees' have been paid, because their are none, and it turns out your network is totally broken and your "solution" to fix it is to create a fully centralized service. Brilliant, because we haven't been down that route before. Blurt is dunzo.
Looks like @holger80 has figured it out as well:
Check this post from 30 minutes ago to get the detailed analysis of what's happening here. Gonna kill it here and start my next post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It seems that they forget to give some operations proper size information -> some ops are free to spam. As they have no size, they can be broadcasted from an account with zero BLURT and zero BLURT Power.
Funny how you figured that out... like instantly.
Maybe you should be a Blurt Dev.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Brb going to claim the $4.20 bounty after you get prosecuted. MallCopChain™ chain never stops to surprise me on how stupid they can be.
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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:
I have noticed the heavy transaction see on Blurt... may be because of the attack...
Just wanted to check in on a few things:
And provide a little bit of commentary:
It's a super-awesome feat to find a way to exploit a production chain. Decorum typically dictates informing the operators of the chain in some fashion, so that the exploit can be fixed.
Wealthy sovereign nations engage in mutually beneficial trade and don't go to war with no reason.
Ah, Hive, where threatening to rape the Binance influencer of the year is trolling and we celebrate the 50 millionth block by attacking a chain that uses the same codebase. Y'all must be proud. Beautiful community. <3
Thank you,
PS: @peakd remains a very nice front end. Nice work!
I never saw this promoted on HIVE, can you please clarify?
@cryptofinally made a number of posts and videos on the topic but I think this one is key:
You can find more on her Hive blog:
Bunch more on her twitter as well.
Ah, and the classic, @blocktrades ......
"She cain't take no trollinng"
So that's more or less what I'm talking about here.
Wow, you read my entire response, and your summary was "She cain't take no trollinng"? Every time I try to give you some credit for having a brain, you actually write words that make me think again.
Yes, that's what I get from reading your responses.
Ok, well here's a more accurate summary, I'll try to keep it as short as possible:
I explained to her that one of the basic tenets of the chain was anti-censorshipment, so individual Hive users don't censor what other people can see.
I also explained, however, that she could mute posts from individuals such as bernie that she didn't want to see (and she could even encourage others to mute such individuals from their feeds, if she felt so inclined).
She clearly understood the above, as she's not an idiot, but I noticed that she would then misconstrue and re-interpret the things I actually said for the purposes of drama (not only on Hive, but on her other channels as well), so I started to wonder if her stated motivations were disingenuous.
After a few more interactions with her, I realized her real complaint wasn't so much about what bernie was saying to her, as about what he was doing: downvoting her posts, because he thought they were overpaid. At this point, I mostly lost interest in the topic.
If you want to waste a lot of your time, try re-reading the entire drama, and see if you still disagree with my conclusions above.
I'll skip going through the whole drama and support any move to protect un-censored-ness of the chain-- hive, blurt, or other:
I'll also say that Hive's ancillary communities (slack/discord/carrier pigeon network/whatever) and front ends are privately operated and that their operators should get ban-hammery in order to ensure that folks don't think that super-nasty behavior is being given tacit support.
If I saw super-nasty or illegal behavior in any of our ddooddads you bet I'd be after the folks running discord/whatever to toss out the nasties with immediate effect.
If content was ludicrous enough better bet that I as the operator of blurt.world would make sure it didn't show up on blurt.world.
Folks can always access the chain. Yes, even with the VPN added to the stack.
The witness role has just expanded to include ensuring that no one connected to you is molesting the network, that's all.
@blocktrades I have alot more context on the matter having been on the inside for so long, and I can tell you the Hive governance leaves alot to be desired.
As you well know, the troll you mention in your response dictates greatly to how the rest of the governance behaves, and rallied all of you to unvote my witness in unison because I simply told a Steem user who was on the fence about moving to Hive that I hope Steem will come right in future but for now Hive is the best decentralised alternative, I was being diplomatic yet my words were twisted to mean something else and you all descended upon me to wipe out the position I had built within the community over something so petty.
You yourself at this time broke your promise to me to continue to support my governance position after I compromised on my beliefs that we should not have frozen the Steemit stake, but rather blocked their ability to witness vote only. I went along with the witness quorum, and did not try to broker any compromise deals with Justin as per your request, yet the first chance you got you cast me aside when I was no longer useful to you, even after seeing the way I was being censored and maltreated in the Slack by more than one actor, you did nothing and said nothing, as a leader I simply would not stand by and watch other community members be maltreated in our governance channels, but seems you do.
In the same Slack, Drakos received veiled death threats and even though a vote was taken the perpetrator was allowed to remain while others such as @cryptofinally were cast out very easily. I too was cast out when I simply decided to go ahead and be involved with the startup team of Blurt, who incidentally were cast out of Slack too previously (yet the perpetrator remains) at that point I wasn't even a founder.
I have enough experience and inside knowledge to know the Hive governance act in vengeful mafia-style unison and only appear to be decentralised, when certain people say jump, the rest do so.
I took the high road and put my energy into Blurt rather than making a fuss on Hive and expose what really goes on. The rabid dogs however immediately came after Blurt and "cockblocked" the launch, forcing us to take a step back and refactor with fees to mitigate the spam attack.
In the mean-time prominent Hive leaders were taking the piss out of Blurt in the Slack, selling each other scripts to milk Blurt at "maximum efficiency" for $2.
The sad part is, even given everything, it was my wish that Blurt would be a form of compensation to you and the 60+ others who had their Steem balances wiped, but instead, you all decided to attack it and suppress growth, not only for yourselves but for every other user with a balance in Blurt, so many people in places like Venezuela could have had better lives with even a slight increase in the price.
At every turn Hive leadership would try to undermine Blurt, here is an example of us appealing to Binance to list Blurt for the benefit of everyone and one of yours slides in this comment in the hopes of derailing the initiative and yet still remains supported in Hive governance after actively trying to destroy value on another project.
In addition to this, we suffered a hack of WBLURT and the same server had keys to other Hive projects worth several times more but only Blurt was targetted, a clear indication this was a Hive-sanctioned attack. Finally, the set witness properties attack was launched to attempt to bloat our chain to suppress Raspberry pi deployment.
So before insulting @jacobgadikian's brain I urge you to use your own and get your house in order at Hive and support and encourage good actors to governance and not toxic ones who seek to take down other chains.
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to address the past, and it would take some time to talk about all the things you've mentioned in a comment this long, but your last paragraph really strikes to the heart of what I think is your misapprehension about Hive, so I'll try to address that.
It seems to me that you view Hive as some sort of traditional organization, with leaders and a bunch of followers. And that these leaders represent some form on united front on most issues (or that they should be doing this and they aren't).
From my point of view, this simply isn't the case. Most Hive users do have a few shared principles, especially those who are the most involved in promoting Hive as a platform for information exchange. Generally speaking, these principles revolve around decentralization of power and freedom of expression.
Beyond these core principles, many Hive users have radically different beliefs on many topics. Some may hate Steem, some may hate Blurt, some may hate Trump, some may hate Biden, some believe the Earth is flat and want to argue with everyone who disagrees about that.
I don't have the time or energy to personally deal with every individual user of Hive that dislikes some individual or organization. I don't aim to be that kind of "leader" on Hive. Sometimes those opinions are deserved, IMO, sometimes they're not. But if I spent my time and influence doing that, I wouldn't have time to devote to the software-based solutions I'm trying to build that I think can have a long term beneficial impact on our shared future.
I made a conscious decision many years ago not to go into traditional politics, and instead focus my energy on building systems that empower individuals. It's not a decision I've ever regretted.
I don't view hive as a traditional anything.
Other than your misunderstanding of how I see Hive, you and I are in full alignment here.
individuals have responsibilities.
Don't ever support anyone who wants you to censor this chain, or makes moves that could restrict user freedom.
I (personally) will always help you with anything that helps you protect freedom of speech on this chain. It's a values thing, you know?
I think we've common ground there.
Look at yourself, someone who has said that they would not profit from @sbdpotato publicly. And yet on Steem you have powered up the funds and used them to derive profit by delegating them through your dlease service. The post can be found here: https://peakd.com/steem/@sbdpotato/sbd-potato-peg-repair-community-initiative.
A quick look at the wallet https://steemitwallet.com/@sbdpotato/transfers shows that you are profiting every day.
Calling yourself a good actor after that is just a blatant lie.
The funds on SBD potato are mostly idle on Steem due to SBD being over 1 USD most of the time, in the meantime I decided to delegate a portion of the fund on the Dlease market to users seeking delegation, the daily Dlease payouts come back to SBD potato and not to myself personally, there is a portion of fees that dlease earns, but I'm not about to go and request dlease be recoded to exlude fees from that account, if you bother to work it out the 10% dlease benefits is a tiny monthly amount and after that gets shared out to BUILDTEAM token holders and shareholders, if I benefit 100 Steem per month from that myself is probably too much, so please stop over-inflating the 10% dlease profit, it is almost nothing.
I also find it interesting how hive actors all abandoned their projects on Steem and shut down crucial services and tools without regard to the Steem community, they also spammed the Steem chain and openly attacked it, to the point they got their funds wiped but now when it suits them they hold me to uphold my promise to Steem so they can discredit me.
Hbdpotato is running again and helping HBD get back to parity as we speak.
The implied term of trust and confidence was breached on Steem by the Justin Sun takeover and heist of stakeholder funds, equally the same confidence has been breached on Hive by the continued attacks on Blurt and on my person even when I was active in Hive as mentioned.
It is precisely that I am a good actor that I have not drained these accounts for my benefit, but I am largely conflicted about sending them to the DAO or burning them for the benefit of platforms that actively seek to harm others.
I have considered alternatives like donating them to efforts like Curie or giving them out in Robin-hood style to nice people still within the community who support freedom and renounce tyranny. While Blurt remains under attack I feel that I should steward these funds as security for the time being.
@thecryptodrive is the finest dude I've met in the space.
Yep, I totally see ya here saying
Gee, maybe hacking a chain on largely the same codebase isn't the best way to celebrate 50m blocks.
......except I don't see that.
As it happens, I just didn't read any of this msg chain except for your comment about me, hence I didn't make any such comment. I don't really follow Blurt news much, I just don't have time for it. But thanks again for assuming you know how I think.
I don't think anyone should be spending time attacking your chain, and I certainly encourage anyone involved to stop doing so.
At times, the lack of a statement, is a statement.
As a leader (even if just by stake-weight alone) I'm sure that you know this.
I'm glad you've made the right statement.
Ya know otherwise folks might think Hive is the kinda place where people celebrate their 50 millionth block by evaporating Christmas 2020 and New Years 2021 Holidays for another chain's Witnesses, making death threats against entire teams, and O yea, stealing a whole bunch of money.
Know what I mean?
Stake carries responsibilities, too.
I was under the impression that this is exactly what happened and Blurt ignored the warnings.
There is a reason Bitcoin is the top dawg, and it's because it's been out in the wild under public worldwide attack for over a decade. Some seeds don't grow when you plant them. That's just the way life is.
You are still invited.
Blurt loves you
PS: Blurt's weed farmers are cooking up
blurt bud
. That's a not-so-damn-strong 100% sativa strain, FYI. Figured that might interest ya.:)
I'm not a weed farmer, but OK :).
Just learned there's a thing called backyard breeding