I really really wanted to stay away from this one.
I have been ignoring the Rittenhouse story for an entire year. I did not want to get involved. I was very ignorant as to what was going on. Only when the trial started and everyone and their mother's started talking about it was I forced to pay attention.
This is a very heated debate.
It was a pretty fucked up situation. BLM is protesting because of police brutality and systemic racism, and then you hear that some jackass kid shows up with an AR-15 and blows three of them away, killing 2 and severing the bicep of the third. How did this happen?
The media ran with this story hardcore.
A story like this has a lot of momentum. News outlets with a left-wing agenda greatly exaggerated the facts, because they are literally financially incentivized to do so. Some people think the powers that be are trying to start a civil war between the left and the right. I think that's comical, considering the left and the right have no army and the military industrial complex can not be contested by the children in the playpen. This is yet another case of Children's Table Politics.
And wow! Are these Children angry!
And rightfully so, because they trust the media outlets when they report that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremist terrorists whose mother drove him across state lines with the intention of killing Black Lives Matter protesters. Many people on the left still believe this narrative (including my girlfriend), even though it is greatly exaggerated.
When I asked my girlfriend about this case we unsurprisingly got into an argument about it, which was ungracefully diffused and we haven't talked about it since. She reiterated the 'fact' that Kyle's mother drove him across state lines and that he went their intentionally to kill people, and that he should be locked up for all time in the torture chamber of the prison industrial complex.
Even more interesting was the precedence that the left thinks his innocence implies. My girlfriend has helped organize and been boots on the ground at many protests, so it's very hard to argue with someone that has that much experience. She told me that the precedence of this case implies that more protesters will die from active shooters and they will get away with it because the judicial system supports white supremacy.
What is White Supremacy?
My girlfriend has told me the story of Bacon's Rebellion a few times now.
The rebellion is significant in that it was the first to unite black and white indentured servants with black slaves against the colonial government, and, in response, the government established policies to ensure nothing like it would happen again.
Bacon's Rebellion was quelled by implementing white supremacy on a legal level. By giving white people more rights than Black people by design, this ensured division between the two communities that would prevent them from working together in the future. To date, this strategy is still employed and is very effective at preventing marginalized communities from banding together and attacking their true enemy.
Riding high on the energy of the BLM protest/riots the media jumped on the Rittenhouse killings and jacked up that energy to eleven. Do they want class warfare or are they just trying to sell their story? Maybe a bit of both? Either way it's clear that the media getting paid for views via advertising sponsors is a big reason why so many people lied about this case and also propagated the lie: Because lying makes money; sensationalism and tapping into strong irrational emotions is profitable. We live in a digital age where manipulation of data can make us rich beyond our wildest dreams. "Bitcoin fixes this", although it would take an entirely new post to explain how.
Fact Checkers: debunked!
Not that I trust fact checkers blindly, but the overwhelming consensus in this case is that Kyle Rittenhouse's mom had absolutely no idea what her son was doing, let alone drive him into the center of an angry mob armed with an AR-15 and body armor with the intent of supporting white supremacy.
But he did cross state lines armed with an AR-15
Yes! This is true. He certainly did cross state lines.
- He crossed state lines!
- He crossed them!
- Did you hear that Kyle Rittenhouse cross state lines?
- He sure did!
- Lock him up and throw away the key!
But guess what?
Anyone who looks up the actual facts can easily see the truth:
Two days after the shooting, Rittenhouse, then 17, traveled from his home in Antioch, Ill., about 20 miles from Kenosha, to the protests. He was armed with an AR-15, with a magazine that held 30 rounds of ammunition, and a self-described mission to protect property. During a confrontation, he shot three people, killing two.
He didn't "drive across state lines".
That is a gross manipulation of the data and the implications. He drove 20 miles to protect property. Two brown guys requested that he help them along with several other people, and he shot 3 white people, and everyone is calling him a white supremacist solely for the fact that it was a BLM 'protest' and they could get away with it without anyone calling them out.
Can we trust this?
Can we actually trust that Kyle Rittenhouse supports BLM? I mean not really because there are a lot of reasons to lie and manipulate the data. But he might... I guess we'll see how this thing plays out.
Needless to say.
It is disgusting how people who pretend like they want to dismantle the prison industrial complex demand that a 17 year old be tried as an adult and thrown into a sub-human torture chamber for the rest of his life. Seriously though, I would never convict anyone of any crime, ever, for any reason (look up "Jury Nullification"). That's how worthless our judicial system is.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty of murder?
Yeah, everyone does. Even I do. Why is that? Because of the overwhelming evidence of the case, right? Yeah, who collected that evidence? The Los Angeles police department. One of the most provably corrupt agencies in the entire nation, and we trusted them to collect evidence impartially and present their case? That is a fucking joke.
Society has always been about trust, which is why crypto and the communities popping up right now are so important. The legacy system is so far gone it can do nothing but implode from the weight of its own corruption. It's only a matter of time before the Titanic sinks.
Getting back on topic
I trust two journalists 100%. Abby Martin (who I still need to do a post about) and Caitlin Johnstone (@caitlinjohnstone). Wanna know what they said about this case? Absolutely fucking nothing. Because this case is an absolute clusterfuck that can not be navigated. Everyone involved is so emotionally livid and irrational that it is impossible to make a statement without it blowing up in your face. I trust these two because they report on real news on a global scale, not some hot-ticket item that MSM has capitalized on to the fullest.
Caitlin Johnstone did say one thing in passing about the case on Twitter which was basically dead on. It went something along the lines of, "Something is very wrong if your opinion of this case changes depending on the politics of the accused." Meaning if Kyle Rittenhouse had shot 3 people at the January 6th riot it would be all the left-wing people who'd claim it was self-defense and all the right-wing people opposed to that. Spot on analysis. The world has gone crazy.
Still trying to get back on topic.
The left-wing MSM narrative of this case is pretty clear. Multiple times it was implied that the "victims" were black and this was a case of blatant white supremist racism. A few times they even outright said they were black instead of BLM protesters. Many people were shocked to learn the details of this case as the trial was broadcast on air.
So not only did Kyle's mom not drive him there, not only is repeatedly stating that he "drove across state lines" totally misleading, not only was he asked to be there by two non-white people, not only did he shoot 3 white people, but the evidence keeps just stacking up again and again and again. There is so much more to this case.
This is the main video evidence of the case.
It shows two people getting shot. One died pretty much instantly (skateboarder), and the other one that actually had a handgun got his "arm blown off". I put that in quotes because it's what the dipshit prosecution said about 30 times during the case, always trying to blow everything out of proportion. In reality he was shot in the arm that was carrying the gun that was pointed at Kyle, which is noteworthy because clearly if you believe the first two killings were self-defense then he was more than within his rights to kill the third guy (Grosskreutz) who was actually pointing a gun directly at him at close range. Kyle must be a good shot because he was able to hit him in the arm without needing to aim center mass. I'm actually impressed that he did not kill Grosskreutz, and he showed a surprising level of composure for someone that had just been kicked in the head and beaten with a skateboard, only to have a gun pulled on him seconds later.
The MSM and the prosecution would have us believe that Kyle wasn't in any imminent danger.
Meet "Jumpkick-Man". I can't believe how many times Jumpkick Man was said in the closing arguments (full disclosure, I only watched the closing arguments as per @whatsup's recommendation). I'm such a troll that I "minted" the @jumpkickman and @jumpkick-man "NFTs" right here on Hive.
In any case, Jumpkick Man barely survived this encounter with Kyle. We can see that the gun went off right as Kyle was being kicked, it's hard to tell if Kyle missed or if the kick landed just in time to slightly change the trajectory of the bullet. If I had to guess it just barely whizzed by his left-shoulder and head and then he scrambled away with a slightly sprained ankle.
Anthony Huber was not nearly as lucky. After hitting Kyle with the skateboard he tried to pull the gun away from Kyle instead of jumping on top of it. This was a fatal mistake, as the gun was attached to Kyle with a strap. As the gun was being pulled away from Kyle he fired one shot, and it ripped through his entire body from the waste up through the heart and out the shoulder, killing him near instantly.
Then Grosskreutz freezes with this hands in the air as Kyle sits up and assesses the situation, clearly in shock a bit. A protester runs across the camera and it's hard to see what happens, but it looks like Kyle looked away for a brief moment and Grosskreutz lunges at him with gun in hand. Kyle swiped the gun across Grosskreutz's entire body and took slightly extra time to only shoot him in the arm carrying the gun, which I find impressive considering the context of this situation. By all accounts it should have been three dead here.
How the fuck did this happen?
Well, it all started with Joseph Rosenbaum. It turns out after the fact that all three of these people Kyle shot were convicted felons. This evidence was not allowed in court because it was irrelevant, as Kyle did not know they were convicted felons at the time of the shootings. However, it was allowed to show how erratic and manic Rosenbaum was just prior to the shootings.
It is often said that in wrongful-death cases the victim dies twice: once by their assailant and again in the court of public opinion. Those who support the killing as justified look for ways to demonize their victim and justify the use of lethal force. In the case of George Floyd we saw this play out all too well:
Between 1997 and 2005, he was convicted of eight crimes. He served four years in prison after accepting a plea bargain for a 2007 aggravated robbery in a home invasion. After he was paroled in 2013, he served as a mentor in his religious community and posted anti-violence videos to social media.
I remember hearing things about Floyd like he pointed a loaded weapon at a pregnant woman's stomach, among other things. This is often a disgusting dehumanizing tactic often employed by the right to justify these needless killings. Of course that was a police brutality case, and Rittenhouse's situation is totally different.
Wow that's a very progressive angle from Fox6 News.
In any case, both people killed in this case happened to have Bipolar disorder. As you heard in the above newscast, it is more likely to be a victim than to be the perpetrator, and the stigma surrounding mental illness is massive here in the States.
That being said it is quite unclear if Rosenbaum was on his meds, and the defense made a fair claim in saying that he probably wasn't given his behavior during the "mostly peaceful protests". He approached some militia at a gas station earlier in the night saying, "shoot me [n-word]". Very hostile. He also lit a garbage can on fire, tipped over a porta-potty (i think?), and allegedly even threatened Rittenhouse directly, twice.
Unfortunately the event that started it all ("EVENT 1") was not caught on tape like "event 2" was. Witnesses testified that Rosenbaum was chasing Rittenhouse as Kyle was shouting "friendly friendly friendly". He then threw his bag of whatever at Kyle (looked heavy but prosecutors acted like it was full of happy feathers). Kyle then hit a wall of people, had no where else to run, turned, and fired four times in under 1 second.
Physical evidence shows that Rosenbaum was perhaps 4 feet away from Kyle when he began firing. Prosecution tried to say that this was a great distance and that Kyle was in no danger, but the physical evidence also shows that Rosenbaum's hand was touching the gun and witnesses testified he was lunging forward.
Prosecution (and MSM) also tried tried to say he shot Rosenbaum in the back in cold blood. He fired all four shots in under one second so obviously one of those could have hit the body at a weird angle as Rosenbaum fell to the ground at his feet.
The prosecution (AKA Binger) also tried to claim that full-metal-jackets are more deadly than hollow tip bullets, which is a disgusting lie that even I knew was totally bullshit. Even though I know nothing about guns I do know one thing:
What the fuck is a full metal jacket?
Is it body armor?
I asked my friend in the marines and he told me:
A Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) is a bullet that has a soft core, usually with lead, and is encased in a harder alloy metal such as cupronickel or gilding metal. ... These rounds are ideal for target shooting since they do not expand much when hitting their target.
Binger tried to say that full-metal-jackets are more lethal because they can pierce their target and hit people behind the intended target, while in the same breath implied that hollow points are less lethal because they are non-piercing. Everyone knows that hollow points are more lethal because they expand inside the body and cause massive damage. This was a disgusting lie.
People who listen to the left-wing media (like my girlfriend and I) were led to believe that he used hollow tip bullets. Not sure where we got that information, but when we were arguing about it it came up and I didn't even realize this was gross misinformation.
body armor and fire extinguisher
Towards the beginning of the night Rittenhouse had body armor, but he gave it to someone else because it was getting in the way. This would lead us to conclude that he did not intend to shoot anyone. He was also videoed with a med-kit asking random people if they needed help, and witnesses testified that he put out a fire if I recall correctly.
What is murder one?
First degree murder is the worst kind of murder. It is preplanned, and the prosecution threw multiple counts of first degree murder at Kyle during this case. Which is kind of ridiculous when we look at the actual evidence of the case. If anything it was second degree murder, which is not planned and happens in the heat of the moment (emotional killing).
The prosecution also tried to claim that Joseph Rosenbaum was a non-threatening pipsqueek who was getting thrown around like a 'rag doll' by other people on the scene at the gas station. While he is short, he is not a tiny guy. He's way more threatening than a 17 year old, that's for damn sure.
The left describes this as a "mostly peaceful protest"
Like, bitch please, that is a small step away from a light-warzone. Just watching videos jacks up my manic energy levels to 11.
Looking on youtube, I can't even find the footage of Joseph Rosenbaum being aggressive and hostile, telling people to shoot him and lighting shit on fire... like, how is that even possible: you all should know how by now. YouTube is manipulating data just like all the other data aggregators out there.
Holy shit... look at him
He's just a dumb ass naïve highschooler that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. So so obviously. But the left portrays him as a white supremist sociopath; crying fake tears while on the stand testifying in his own defense. And while I do agree that he really sold the tears to the jury (over-exaggerating with the excessive forceful squinting) the kid's life was on the line and his defense lawyers definitely told him to sell it.
You have the right to remain silent.
If you don't know anything about court cases or the law, then you don't know that it is absolutely insane that Rittenhouse was even allowed to take the stand. Most Defense attorneys would never allow such a thing, especially with how young he was and how likely he was to make a huge blunder during cross examination.
Not only this, but Kyle's smartphone was in the possession of prosecutors and they could not access it due to the security of the phone. The defense team WILLINGLY handed them the password in exchange for an unmolested copy of the evidence. Again, this is insane. 99% of the time something like this would never happen.
Prosecutors were looking for any kind of evidence that would tie Kyle to known white supremist organizations or any other evidence that would contradict his testimony, and there was none to be found. Imagine that. Still, this was a huge gambit, as there was still a chance that data could be manipulated to make him look guilty. You almost never want to give the prosecution any kind of data like this that will almost certainly be used against the defense. This time the gambit paid off. "I have nothing to hide" defense seemed to work. That is quite rare.
What we know about the 3 men who were shot by Kyle Rittenhouse
In terms of demonizing the "victims"
I have to write "victims" in quotes here because the judge actually banned the prosecution from calling the victims "victims". He demanded the deceased be referred to as "rioters" or "looters", which is actually also insane. This is one of those things that really made the entire case look extremely tilted in the defense's favor and gave the MSM a ton of ammunition to make claims that white supremacy was being validated.
On top of this the judge was also giving expert testimony on ammunition, which was also a big no-no. The judge should not be testifying on behalf of the defense, and they should have brought in an expert witness. Once again the MSM was given the exact ammunition they needed to pump outrage into this case. You almost have to wonder at a certain point if some of this shit was choreographed just to create a divide between the left and right.
Rosenbaum was at the unrest after having just been discharged from a hospital.
Swart testified she and Rosenbaum were living in a motel at the time Rosenbaum was killed, and that the couple had at times been homeless. She also described Rosenbaum's mental health issues, saying he was on antidepressants and medication to treat his bipolar disorder. He had been in a hospital following a suicide attempt.
Rosenbaum was raised in Texas and Arizona, according to The Washington Post. The paper reported that Rosenbaum said he was molested by a stepfather and had spent most of his adult life in prison starting at age 18 for sexual conduct with five preteen boys.
His mother was sent to prison when he was 13 and Rosenbaum began using heroin and methamphetamine at a group home where he was sent, the Post reported.
Holy... fucking... hell...
So while the right is demonizing the victim here, we can see that he's had a super fucked up past. People need to understand that shit rolls downhill. None of this stuff is a coincidence.
People are dynamic. You don't get to hear one piece of information about them and decide they are murderous psychopaths hellbent on destruction and carnage. This entire situation is just a totally fucked up reflection of society itself brought to light. Transparency is coming, and if you think this is bad you are in for a world of pain when the real demons are revealed.
How in the fuck did he get out of that one?
So the one charge that Rittenhouse clearly violated was casually dismissed by the judge on a technicality like it was nothing. Obviously it is not legal for an underage minor to be walking around with an AR-15 after a mandatory curfew is imposed. Once again, the judge ruling in favor of defense on this gives the left all they need to make the claim that white supremacy is being imposed.
Honestly the technicality doesn't even make sense... something about the barrel length of the gun being too long? Something like that. It was so weird. The AR-15 is like the most common assault rifle. How could it possibly fall outside the bounds of this technicality? I'm too lazy to do more research. I'm already in too deep.
At the same time we have to accept the hypocrisy of trying him as an adult while simultaneously trying to charge him with a crime that specifically targets minors. Welcome to the legal system, boy are they 100% full of shit.
How did he even get the gun?
He bought it with his own money but had his friend buy it for him. If I recall correctly that guy is going to get six years for the crime, which is pretty crazy when you think about it.
It's also very weird for me because I'm from California and the idea that it's legal to just walk around with an assault rifle is insane to me. That's open-carry states for you I guess. Second Amendment rah rah rah.
But, he's a terrorist though!
If you haven't noticed, the word "terrorist" doesn't even mean anything anymore. It's a catch-all now for anyone that the elite wants to smear. Just wait a couple years; they'll be calling Bitcoin holders terrorists. No, I'm not joking. They will. I guarantee it. We seriously need to protect ourselves from this bullshit.
Hmmmm... what else...
Oh yeah I have it in my notes here that the Judge said some Boomer ass shit like he wouldn't allow the prosecutor to zoom in on a video because it might add frames or pixels. I thought that was pretty insane... again... stop testifying for the defense and get an expert witness if you have to. The judge gives so much ammo to the false narrative that you seriously have to wonder if he's incompetent or in on it.
To recap the judge:
- Casually threw out the most obvious charge on a technicality that doesn't really make sense.
- Said you can't zoom on video without adding mystery content that would help the prosecution unfairly.
- Banned the prosecution from calling the victims "victims".
- Allowed the demonization of the deceased.
And I'm sure there's actually more than this but again, I didn't even watch the entire trial. That's simply too many hours for me to commit. I only watched the closing arguments and various MSM news channels reporting on the issue.
On the flip side
It also looks like the prosecution withheld information from the defense, which in my opinion is grounds for immediate dismissal of the case with prejudice (meaning they can't retry it). The fact that we actually have to trust that the prosecutors will help the defense do there job in canonically absurd. The way our judicial system actually works is a sick joke. Again, I would never convict anyone for any reason: that's how bad it is.
The evidence that was withheld was apparently high definition footage from a drone. The defense was only given the low-def version, which in my opinion is the kind of thing that should get a prosecuting attorney disbarred immediately. Seriously, you don't fuck around with these kinds of things, because it undermines the entire system. Spoiler alert: the entire system is undermined and no one seems to realize it unless it's their political party under attack. Pretty gross how tribalist and ridiculous people are.
There is a clause in self-defense law that states that if you provoke your attacker you are not allowed to use deadly force against them. My girlfriend sent me a Tiktok video explaining clear as day that Rittenhouse could not use deadly force because he had provoked the attack. This made perfect sense and I agreed, until I realized what that implied.
In the TikTok it was subtly implied that by simply carrying a gun he had provoked the mob. What a ridiculous thing to say about an open-carry state. There are also more credible arguments for provocation, such as the mob attacking him after he killed the first guy in self defense. These "protesters" thought he was an active shooter (or so they testified) therefore they had the right to defend themselves against the threat.
This argument also makes sense, except when you actually watch the video and realize again that it's totally bullshit. If they had thought this kid was an active shooter they would have ran for their damn lives. He has an AR-15, and you have a skateboard. The only reason they attacked is because he was running away, had is back to the mob, and was vulnerable. They wanted revenge and they saw a weak target. So obviously. If Grosskreutz actually thought he was an active shooter he would have opened fire from a safe distance. Instead he approached cautiously and then lunged forward for some godforsaken reason. People do crazy things during riots.
Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't fired that weapon. At the very least he would have taken a beating. Unfortunately that's just a trap of speculation. Clearly, Rosenbaum set this unfortunate chain of events in motion by getting himself killed for no reason, assuming that a naïve 17 year old trying to protect property during a riot would not fire on him. At the same time he had just gotten out of the hospital after a suicide attempt? The variables of this case are pure insanity. It is ridiculous to think that something like this could ever happen again. There is no precedence.
We are being divided.
The verdict of this trial did not matter one bit. These vipers in the media organized the data in a way that ensured that no matter what happened people were going to be absolutely outraged. Whether the goal here was to sell ad-space or help seed some kind of civil war is unclear. What is clear is that the left is being pushed more and more authoritarian and hypocritical ever since March 2020. Fear is being used to take all our liberty away. Business as usual.
The prosecution in this case was insufferably incompetent and downright deceptive at every turn, down to every claim and even the type of language being used. Full metal jackets are less lethal. He was there because he was asked to be there and he thought he was helping. His mom did not drive him. He is not a white supremist. He is not a sociopath.
The media would have us believe that Kyle Rittenhouse "crossed state lines" (aka drove 20 miles) by his mother for no reason other than to kill as many black people as he could with a type of weapon that no one else at the scene possessed. Then he got away with it scot free because the judicial system upholds white supremacy as far back as Bacon's Rebellion. And while white supremacy and systemic racism still exist and rampage this country... the left has leveraged this fact into manipulating the data for a profit at the expense of the BLM community itself.
It is quite obvious to me now that it is not Kyle Rittenhouse that is the white supremist, but rather ironically his accusers in the mainstream media. They are the terrorists. They are the master manipulators, and they are in charge and try to gaslight us at every turn. They are the ones making sure we don't band together. Luckily more and more people are scrying past the bullshit and realizing just how bad the propaganda has become.
Again, my girlfriend believes the precedence set here is going to get more of her people killed. She, and many like her, use their "white privilege" constantly during protests to diffuse situations with the police that can escalate to absurd levels when there are only black people around. Again, it's hard to disagree with her because she has so much experience, but after reviewing the evidence myself I am convinced she is being misled, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.
Perception is reality.
You don't have to agree with this perception, but you can't deny that it is reality. People on the left believe this narrative. That is a fact. It is undeniable, and it would take absolutely masterful communication at this point to unwind this narrative for those who have been brainwashed by such propaganda.
It is not easy for most to pierce the veil and accept that the people they were trusting the most were lying to them the whole time. Every time I get into an argument with my GF about something like this she will become more infuriated depending on how correct I am. There's an obvious direct correlation between facts that contradict someone's accepted narrative and the amount of blind rage they experience when you get close to proving that what they think they know is totally wrong. The human brain does not allow perceived reality to shatter so easily. This is a defensive mechanism that is constantly exploited by authority.
I think the worst fight we ever had was about Fluoride in the water supply. Once I started pulling up Wikipedia pages and peer reviewed studies showing that it is low grade poisonous fertilizer runoff and also doesn't even protect teeth, she totally shut down the conversation and pretended to break up with me. Not going to pursue that exact same situation again for absolutely no reason. Being right in an argument doesn't undo the trust people have for the system. It takes a lot more social finesse than that; a skill I do not possess. People believe what they want to believe. I can only try if the opportunity presents itself; it's not something that can be forced.
Shoutout to @ericwilson for posting this on Twitter.
Seriously it just keeps happening over and over and over again. The left just keeps getting more fucked up and authoritarian. They were given power during this presidency regime change and they will have it taken away in 2024 when Biden inevitably loses. The stage is being set. Let's try not to get lost along the way. Stay the course and don't ANY political party tell you how to think. We can't trust anyone at this point. 'Bitcoin Hive fixes this.'
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I am still hearing not only average people, but the media misrepresent what really happened in the case. Points which were never debated even by the prosecution.
For me I can tell right away when someone watches a lot of mainstream media for their source of information (both sides) and while I can get tempted to be angry at them, I also "get" that one should expect to get reasonably accurate information from what we have been trained to call the "news".
I've always said, "Let people be as dumb as they want to be" I started out talking about Flat Earthers, but now I mean it towards people who get their world news from MSM and want to fight about Left and Right. Both of which are headed up and funded by Corporate American and Special Interests using contributions (bribes and hush money) via Citizen United. I just can't have a lot of respect for those who haven't seen through it yet.
But.. "Let people be as stupid as they like" is still my moto.
I'm glad you watched though, at least you cared enough to get the story right, and understand what a gross mind game this is playing to both sides.
Well done.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
follow the money
Yesir...good that you know.😉
There is some sentiment that the reason the press keeps repeating the "across state lines" point is because the intention is to use this for federal regulations on gun control. It's important for them to make this an interstate crime to make their case. Except this falls apart, as the Prosecutor discovered, because Rittenhouse's Dad lives in Kenosha.
With regards to length of rifle barrel, there was a similar law in Texas. Anything longer than a 5.5 inch blade is illegal to carry. Deer hunting is popular in Wisconsin. It makes sense to craft the law to allow for young hunters to carry a rifle. However, you don't want them to have short-barreled rifles, like a sawed-off shotgun or pistol. Therefore, a legal definition is required to distinguish what barrel length is acceptable. And, there is little difference, other than cosmetics, between a hunting AR-15 and one that looks like an "assault rifle". This means that the only meaningful distinction is the barrel length. From a practical standpoint, a longer barrel is also better for aiming than is a shorter barrel, except for John Wicke.
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A whole mess of defamation lawsuits is about to happen. Why can't people (especially those in power/famous actors/sports, etc.,) just keep their mouths shut until after a trial? How is someone ever supposed to receive a fair and unbiased trial when the media and everyone else are jumping to conclusions before getting all the facts. This annoys me so much.
yeah it's super irresponsible and gross
they dont care about people because they are pushing a political agenda that supersedes any kind of specific facts
rather they use global thinking to cast blanket statements across everything
which often end up being way off base
So true! Irresponsible and gross are an understatement!
Well written account of this whole mess. I remember watching the initial video right when it came out and thinking (from a UK perspective): 'Fucking hell, a kid with a gun trying to be a vigilante gets chased down by people with a death wish because they think he's a threat and that they can stop him even though he has an assault rifle, America is fucking wacko'. Then I read the comments... Jesus christ people. Some lefties were frothing at the mouth that Kyle was scum and evil, and that the group attacking him were doing the right thing etc. etc. And people on the right were given more fuel to say 'those god damn BLM riots, screw the left and those damn marxist scum'.
Everyone wanted to go at each others throats from the get go and wanted to accept anything that fit their world view.
I'm no where near a centrist, or someone who loves to say 'hurr durr both sides', but my god, some of the left really do lose all sense of perspective when their emotions are running high (clearly stoked by 'left' US media like CNN and NBC, what I would say is more neoliberal and corporatist personally).
The entire case (or what I caught of it) was utterly bizzaro, and it was clear that some of the charges levied against the kid were clearly over the top and had almost no bearing on reality. He did a stupid thing, that I think is personally wrong and down right stupid (heading to the town over to 'protect property' with a gun his friend bought him, as a teenager to boot), and really shouldn't be allowed (but is apparently legal). The riots that broke out must have been frustrating but goddamn man, it's not worth going and killing people or getting yourself killed for when the police were already there doing whatever they were able to 'to protect property'.
Haven’t they started this in Nigeria already, with the central bank claiming crypto is used to fund terrorism. Ha!
Interesting how so much work is being put to twist and turn perspectives. In Nigeria, the govt doesn’t even try. They give an excuse to whatever err they commit, no matter how stupid and we have no choice but to take it.
Imagine claiming that a snake swallowed 30million naira in cash from the government house.
The latest EndSars protest that happened last year and youths were killed was captured on Instagram live video, guess what the govt officials said, they said it was a lie, nobody was killed and the video was doctored. Will you believe that some people actually started to believe that nobody died during that protest?
Anyone who believes politicians or let’s them do their thinking is done for.
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Unfortunately it is just how politics are now. Anyone who watched the trial and saw the evidence will probably understand why the jury let the case go while everyone else who just reads the headlines won't.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I was hooked and ended up watching or listening to pretty much the whole trial from jury selection to verdict along with the commentary on Rekieta Law's channel.
You've done a good job summing it all up here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ug, 8 hours! no time! lol
That’s just one day! There’s 2 weeks of daily streams though the days of jury deliberations are probably mostly skipable 🤣
I'm actually more interested in the outcome of the Arbury case than I was in the outcome of this one. When this initially happened I thought he shot three black people. It wasn't until just recently I realized he had shot white people. Not that it makes it any better, but it kind of diffused the powder keg for me that the media was trying to create. I just hope they get the Arbury case right. My wife watched pretty much all of the trial and it seems pretty cut and dry to us.
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The law was implemented due to underage gang violence. Specifically short barrel shotguns that the kids were using and had access to. So its not really a technicality.
As I understand it guns can be used by minors outside these specific weapon.
The conclusion is that people are retarded and open supporters of the left and right take turns on being the more retarded side. During Bush the right lost their mind, During Obama and Trump its the left.
We live in a post-truth era.
Its so fucking easy to lie in a world where both sides want to win and hate each other. Where pointing the finger at the other side means more than standing for the truth.
USA needs to break apart. Split it in half, fuck it. Each half should still have enough firepower to counter China for a while if they want to.
Every country is about to fracture into a thousand pieces.
Balkanization and decentralization are upon us.
In place of an empire we have opt-in governance unique in every city.
Then we can begin the rebuild the empire from scratch as we scale up.
The cycle continues.
Can I use HP to shoot people?🤣
I just heard of this case today. And I clicked into this post to get a summary of what it was about. I was happy you went into the detail of it. It's a great post and thanks for the info. Whatever the political ramifications between left and right who the fuck leaves a 17 year old run around a city with a massive gun like that. I'm from Europe and guns in our countries are restricted mostly with the exception of hunting and the death toll is nominal because of it. The whole idea of this even happening in my country is ridiculous to me. I came from a pretty shitty neighbourhood and if you are looking for trouble, you find trouble. So if you walk around with a knive in your hand , there's a pretty good chance you will attract an argument. So a 17 year old with a huge gun running around during a riot, it was only gonna end one way. Luckily he is still alive but it was pretty dumb judgement on his part to get involved. The guys that attacked him look like bad eggs but this could have been avoided if he stayed at home and played COD but that's the reason he was probably out there in the first place.
Do you know how easy it was to confiscate certain users's Steem Power? We should be ready for a new fork should history rhyme in this way again.
I could have saved around 20Hours of my life if I'd known that you will write this. I watched a lot of content around this trial. The very balanced approach you delivered there makes me wonder how much time you dropped into it in the end.
Personally, I always try to read in the lines that were not written or told. For Example:
I didn't hear too much about the physical state of any of the participants. Being out there at a time like that, I strongly conclude some of the people must have been drugged up.
The fact that people search for violence to get online/anti-social media (like Twitter) attention and reap the fruits of that labor (create and film dangerous situations) is key to RIOT eruptions like that. Would they go after Rittenhouse if none would scream to the gods while filming everything going down? Those people should be arrested and tried in court as well.
How the Hell did Rittenhouse not see that coming. You can't leave your team/group on a night like that and just wander around. That was ballz2TheWallz stupid and might have prevented all of this.
Yep he was a kid that made a really bad decision.
The people that he was with are to blame as well.
I'd never let a 17 year old out of my sight.
Life is brutally real...
The way to hell is paved with good intentions. *Henry George Bohn
Pick one, you can’t have both. 😏
I definitely can have both.
With a soupçon of cognitive dissonance, sure.
Cognitive dissonance is a strong theme of this post,
but I can say that the MSM are terrorists,
and also claim that terrorism is a nothing term that doesn't mean anything,
because the MSM aren't really terrorists, are they?
Everything I say is a lie.
Quite apt.
Dude! You need a new girlfriend.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
yeah yeah sure sure
In the Rittenhouse court case. The prosecution should be hung. And the defense should be fired.
I swear this thing was scripted for the yucks.
The script on both the left and the right are just way wonky.
If you believe Rittenhouse is a real person (and not a CIA crisis actor) then what you find is that here is a kid that has a good streak, wants to be a nurse (or EMT), goes out to help everyone.
The kid is probably a liberal (in the Reagan era sense of the word)
And if the kid was there to do as the prosecution said, just plop a scope on that thing, sit on a roof and pop off a few, no need to go anywhere dangerous, try to help, put out dumpster fires... be seen...
This only shows how hard it is for average people with normal day to day job to make any sense of what they are told by the media. Almost no one will spend 15 minutes to do some basic research (not to talk that for a lot of it you need hours), but they will for sure have an opinion and share the narrative they were fed by what ever side they follow.
I know you did a good job on looking into it and still fell for the judge bias thing.
that law about could he carry a gun is badly written but he can carry a gun that is longer then X. it goes something like you have to be 18 but if you are 16 or 17 you can carry guns longer then X. if i remember correctly they wanted to stop gang crime in the 90s but still make it possible for people to go hunting with their kids or something like that.
The zoom in shit is badly explained because judge (and both parties) knows shit about tech. Prosecutors used a still frame form the drone video trying to prove that Kyle pointed a gun on someone. In that cropped frame photo Kyle was like 0.5 inch blob of some 50 pixels. So they had an expert to resize it. He used a program to enhance that still photo. When you resize the photo to be bigger, only way to do it is to add pixels that are not there. And that is fine for your FB post. But when you have an arm that is 5 pixels and you add 4... Program used for that had in his manual written "do not use this in court as evidence" :D
from what i understood it is common to do that in trials where you claim self defense. Because they need to determent in court was he the victim or attacker (he is not claiming he did not shoot them). And by calling them victims you would claim that it is already determent that he is the attacker. Makes sense, but i can't say that is 100% true as i just read it in few different places.
Totally just about division! It seems like there’s a case like this every year or so to just stoke division.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is amazing how easily we can be divided on demand by the media industrial complex. The empathy, energy, and idealism of the youth weaponized to perpetuate polarization and social decay rather than growth. Sh*t sucks.
I am just going to leave here an analysis of the result of the trial from an actual laywer.