I woke up this morning groggy and turned on my news app.
I then I was immediately wide awake.
For the second link was this one:
Microsoft Makes a USD 69B Gaming & Metaverse Bet
Jumped out of bed... wide awake... holy hell...
As a kid, Blizzard was my favorite game company by a huge margin. I discovered them randomly in some random computer store (back when those existed). In the games section, separated by MAC and PC (because no way in hell were those two things ever gonna be compatible).
I still have the original box and manual, which is badass and crazy high quality.
On the shelf sat both Warcraft and Warcraft 2. I thought, "Hm, this looks interesting, I should buy one of them." I figured I'd buy Warcraft 1 first to see if I liked it because it was $30 and Warcraft 2 was $50 (oops, big mistake). I took Warcraft 1 home and tried it out. I liked it, but it was very difficult to play. The controls were tough and some of the missions required you to kill every single baddy on the map (which might take 10 minutes after you had already won). You could also only select 4 units at a time, and you could only build next to roads (which cost gold to make) which made base management pretty weird and condensed.
A couple years ago I actually tried to play Warcraft 1/2/3 all in succession. I couldn't force myself to play Warcraft 1 again, the controls are just too terrible and the game mechanics way too archaic. I did make it through Warcraft 2 and 3 though. Takes a while, but we stoner gamers have nothing but time, amirite?
In any case, I was very much hooked to Blizzard games ever since Warcraft 1. I've bought and played them all. Warcraft 1/2/3, Diablo 1/2/3, WOW, Hearthstone, Overwatch, Starcraft 1/2, HOTS, all the things. So I was shocked when Blizzard allowed themselves to be bought by Activision, and even more shocked today that Activision/Blizzard is allowing themselves to be bought by Microsoft themselves.
It's all about resources & profit sharing.
Why allow your super profitable company to be sold to a bigger company? Money! DUH! Let's say if you want to scale up your operations, but you need billions of dollars to do it... how are you gonna get the money? Apply for a loan? Lawls.
At the end of the day corporations make razor thin profit margins compared to total overhead cost, so the amount of money it takes to scale up is often WAY MORE than they can make in profits over a short period of time. Often better to just bite the bullet and bow down to some other agent with a shit-ton more money than you.
Corporations of this size get bloated.
When Activision bought Blizzard, it was pretty much all downhill from there. Blizzard was already becoming too corporate and ridiculous, and it got exponentially worse. I have to assume that this Microsoft acquisition is going to make the problem even worse.
I blame World of Warcraft!
Great game! Ruined my life! You haven't lived until you've played WOW 16 hours a day for a month straight, baby! Longer than a month? Who's counting? Not me! Easily over 10,000 hours played of that game; enough time to master two different instruments :D
I never thought my gaming mastery would ever get me anywhere, but here we are with gaming as the next frontier of crypto, so yeah, all those hours I put into WOW probably gonna pay off somewhere in the six figures range. I'll take it.
The thing that really sucks about Blizzard (and all corporations really) is that they are greedy little goblins that incessantly try to control everything. If they see you selling World of Warcraft gold, you are banned. You don't own that property, you rent it from Blizzard. You don't own your account. Anyone who has tried to make money playing video games knows this.
That's why when I see this Microsoft acquisition and supposed "METAVERSE" play... I just can't help but laugh. Who do these assholes think they are going to fool? Ah probably a lot, but not me. The inherent nature of crypto and WEB3 and the metaverse and everything else runs totally contrary to the entire environment BIG TECH is used to. They aren't going to be able to maneuver well in this new realm.
"This acquisition will accelerate the growth in Microsoft’s gaming business across mobile, PC, console and cloud and will provide building blocks for the metaverse."
Come check out our bitchen metaverse!
Proving once again that none of these people even know what Metaverse even means. Facebook can't build the Metaverse. Microsoft can't build the Metaverse. If anyone tells you they are building a Metaverse they are totally 100% full of shit.
Again, the Metaverse is basically THE INTERNET. No one can build or capture the Internet. The Internet is bigger than everyone. That's what the Metaverse is. These fake ass 'metaverses' big companies like Facebook and Microsoft are talking about are intranet/extranets. They are trying to do "Enterprise Blockchain" all over again like total know-nothing dipshits. It's going to fail, just like it always has in the past.
And this is all incredible news.
Companies like Facebook and Microsoft and Blizzard and whoever else are going to be training developers. They're going to be building modules and codebases that can't be patented. They're training a workforce that's going to jump ship the second the real Metaverse pays them more money. We've already seen this happen with Enterprise Blockchain, and it's happening again now. Fabulous!
Again, think back to torrents and entertainment. It took over a decade for the industry to pivot and recover from that "disaster", and they are still scooping far less a percentage of the revenue than they were before (which is fine because the total pie is way bigger).
How will I know the Metaverse when I see it?
It's quite simple really. The only valid and scalable projects are going to be the ones owned and developed by the community itself. If a corporation owns it, it's garbage. If the community can't help develop the game and mint NFTs to represent that ownership, again, it's hammered dog shit. There is no other way around this fact.
Think about it...
How could a corporation ever compete with a community? How can developers who hate their job compete with creative enthusiasts who enjoy doing what they are doing? How can 100 employees compete with a million fanatics? This is the future of gaming, crypto, and the Metaverse in general. Community run, community owned. If it's not that, it's going to fail. Guaranteed.
These corporations are trying to carve out their corner of the market, but the market has no corners. This infinite borderless digital landscape is not going to suffer the same walled gardens we saw in WEB2. So many patents are being created, and none of them are going to be respected in a borderless digital world. IP is a thing of the past, and corporations haven't gotten the memo yet.
I guarantee they learn the hard way.
They can't seem to see the writing on the wall.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Mehnnn if these people could buy the internet you can bet they will! Thanks gracious they can’t!
Lol intraverse perhaps.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I disagree, it is very easy to capture the internet.
Oops, too late, 90+% of internet users are using just 5 ISPs in the US.
Ah yes of course.
The introverted interaverse.
Too funny that you mention that. I bought an acoustic guitar at a festival one time. I had ever intention of learning how to play it, then I started playing WoW. I still have the guitar. Still don't know how to play it. I don't play WoW anymore, but I do still play D3 from time to time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i don't understand why they need to buy another game company to help build a Metaverse when they already have Minecraft....
oh, because it's the users building in Minecraft...without any real economic incentives Microsoft can exploit.
Cant wait for the big corporations to finally understand that they will not be in control and have lost their power. Interesting times ahead.
They will try really hard to want to take control, but just like you said, the metaverse can not be owned it’s just like that internet.
ngl now all those IPs are in better hands, Blizzard has always been one of the most hated companies in the industry, I just hope uncle Bill can get them straight again
Logo printed on a hardware token will go a long way. Who cares if the ecosystem is backed by a decentralized ledger or a centralized SQL database
Very few will care.
But then again it doesn't matter what the rabble think, does it?
The difference between a decentralized SQL database and a centralized SQL database,
is community ownership vs corporate ownership.
One of those wins out over the other, but I thought I already made that obvious.
Seems like Microsoft is getting too big for its britches. Keeps buying up big companies.
I wonder how the games are going to go downhill from there, we know they love micro transactions. Add it to a mega company like them and it’s going to get a lot worse I think. Block chain gaming for the win!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
How I look at the metaverse narrative is that these companies may be building a cool virtual world.
But if it's not open and connected to everything else (the metaverse), then who cares?
Like you said, the real value is in the open system and therefore where everyone will end up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's what they deserve... self-extinction... no way they can compete with million fanatics
I wonder if this has to do with the Activision Blizzard lawsuits by the government. In a way, maybe Blizzard wants to change the public mind about some of the changes.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
it does feel like a rebrand of sorts
I heard Activision and Blizzard had some real beef with Call Of Duty Players because they allowed known hacks and exploits be built right into the game rendering them unplayable to regular players. They did so in order to push the next generation of Call Of Duty forcing players to trade up and pony up cash & buy all new map packs etc. Will be interesting to see how they handle this "Metaverse" thingy
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah I mean obviously they are going to fall face first into a pile of shit.
But it sounds like you already know that, lol.
Maybe the metaverse is a new way to make money, who knows just ads and no development.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really like that you pointed out that these big companies are going to be training the people to then jump ship and really get things done. I remember when everyone left google for facebook and I thought they were nuts. They are all retired now. Well, Angel investors now lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think that WoW Gold was the first-ever legit Metaverse Money, sue me.
RIP Blizzard. I was surprised when it was took over by Activision, now I believe they are completely extinct. Microsoft - game producers. Don't make me laugh!
Skype 2.0
This Skype was killed by Microsoft narrative is simply quite wrong. Skype was already dying when Microsoft bought it, and they only bought it for its patents. Those patents are now used in Microsoft Teams which is a highly successful product.
but every ui update on it since then made it worse
They are only keeping it for brand recognition and making it just another interface for Teams backend.
It doesn't change my thought the Activision purchase will end up like skype. Activision losses in the last years players. But because of selling optimization, their return per player becomes higher. So they do good, but it's not a long-term game.
Squeeze the money out and move on.
I will take Microsoft over Activision as a gaming company at any time. The gaming division of Microsoft is quite well run and have good policies when it comes to its customers. Like reasonable local pricing etc.
If there is one company that could turn the steaming shit pile that is Activision-Blizzard it's Microsoft.
Out of all the companies that said they are building the metaverse I feel like Microsoft just picked up one of the best possible options to make it happen. Blizzards made some of the best and still best games in the MMO space. Now apply that same stuff to a metaverse and you most likely have a winner or at least a metaverse that puts on some serious competition.
It's disappointing though seeing companies take over like this as a part of me feels like it's starting to destroy everything that made crypto and all these crypto projects sexy.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hmmm provocative post.
Did Bill Gates once say the Internet is a fad?
Maybe he can learn from his mistakes?
I agree the Enterprise blockchains are cool looking, but ultimately centralized knockoffs of truly decentralized versions.
Unless Mr. Gates has the vision to create a decentralized addition to the existing metaverse landscape I am unsure what he builds will be much more then a virtual DisneyLand.
Which wouldn’t be a terrible thing, and I probably would visit it, but I would want to build my future somewhere else.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I never heard of that and I hope it works out with Microsoft