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RE: Hive Is Pumping Again. But Why?

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Condenser is a social media technology (sort of) but Graphene is not.
The core code of the Hive blockchain is Graphene, and there will be a lot of dapps here in the future.
Condenser is an over-bloated rushed piece of garbage in my opinion.
We will probably have to clean it up or rewrite it from scratch.

Honestly I don't even think of Hive as social media.
It's just a blockchain that happens to have social media on top of it.

Basically you can think of Graphene as all the backend programming.
It handles all the encryption and the blocks and consensus.

Condenser is more of the frontend like
I think the node API is considered more Condenser then it is Graphene as well.

Basically Graphene is the blockchain, but Condenser interprets that blockchain information, puts it into a database, and distributes that information to the world. It's all very complicated :D

I guess my point here is... in a couple years you aren't going to have to write a blog and beg for scraps at the dinner table like we all do today. We are going to be providing real work that pays actual wages in the future. You won't have to worry about getting paid subjectively based on the opinions of an elite few; you'll get paid based on the merit of the work you do, as the value of the actual jobs we create will be much easier to measure and compensate.