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RE: Market Watch: Time to Pamp it.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

You don't see the problem with the logic being employed here?

If inflation is a problem, USD is being devalued.
If USD is being devalued, then anything paired to USD appears to go up in value.

You're operating from the angle that crypto can only go up if people are pumping USD into it.

What happens when people stop selling their crypto for USD at the current price because USD has been devalued? Every market has as least two sides. You're only looking at one of them.

Also, since when has retail controlled the price of Bitcoin?
What is this? 2017?


in an uncertain economy it's more likely to sell your crypto because you need cash ( for a multitude of reasons ) than invest in it. That's how I see it. Again we shall see what happens :)