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RE: Web 2.0 Cannot Transition To Web 3.0

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Value is not derived from scarcity.
Value is CAPTURED by corporations with scarcity.
WEB3 is all about abundance.

Value no longer needs to be captured with scarcity because the community captures all the value automatically with the token. Doesn't matter if that token is "scarce" or not. In fact, money supply must be elastic and variable to have validity, stability, and unit-of-account.


We agree on the last statement. Money need to be elastic, etc. I also agree that value is not derived solely from scarcity. But scarcity is often a driver of demand and therefore value.

Value is only derived from our want or need for something. And if you have any disposable income after the bare minimum of survival, its all about want.

The ore you want something the more value it has. And value is measured in both individuals and groups/cuulturues. What one person highly values another person may reject completely or there could be varying degrees in between.

There are a few things that all cultures value equally and that is status.

And status drives demand for goods, services, and even qualities we want to develop or display.

Corporations have certainly learned how to tap into this in both marketing and in edging each other out wherever possible.

Where I'm stuck on is how web 3 is all about abundance and how tokenization means anything new other than a way to break up the pieces of something to display ownership to the world and unlock liquidity.

Maybe you've written something longer form that I can read to understand what you're saying?