if the objective of DPOS is simply that the more wealth = more power then Crypto is screwed as it offers ZERO governance difference to the existing model.
There are some huge differences.
When billionaires acquire more wealth and build value, what happens?
The central banks get rich because they control the underlying currency.
When Hive whales stack as much as possible what happens?
Everyone gets rich because everyone has ownership of the network.
An even bigger differnce to consider is that crypto is digital and opt in.
Therefore if Hive becomes corrupt anyone can break away and create a better model.
This is also impossible in the land of the free, home of the brave.
Digital landscape is infinite, while physical borders are not.
And yet even another thing to consider after that is corruption means token selling.
When whales exploit the system for personal gain they are dumping coins on the market.
This is an automatic checks & balances system where corrupt individuals lose influence over time.
Our methods of decentralization are working even better than the top chains.
This is why I like you! You give me new perspectives and things to think about all the time. I will go back under my rock and digest. Thank you :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta