The correct expression is "past performance is no guarantee of future results".
It absolutely is an "indicator" of future results within this context.
To claim otherwise is to say that patterns do not exist; they absolutely do.
This is not a slot machine.
The 4-year cycle is extremely consistent.
Most OUTSTANDING things that Hive is unique in offering are offered for free or almost
People give things away for free when the resource is abundant and demand is low.
You've basically broken your own rule by saying this will continue unabated.
Marketing and hype are WEB2 vehicles.
Projecting WEB2 onto WEB3 is shortsighted at best.
No one has figured out the secret sauce as to how to get this stuff done in a decentralized way.
So what do they do? They use WEB2 tactics and then everyone thinks that's a good idea.
It's not. In fact any network capable of such tactics is already doomed to mediocrity and centralization.