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RE: It's Their First Cycle: Wall Street is the Biggest Degenerate on the Block

in LeoFinance6 months ago

Just for a comparison, how many of those dozens of "terrorist leaders" figured they had a home field advantage

So you've never heard of Vietnam or Afghanistan?

On a fundamental level comparing the tools of the military industrial complex to the tools of Wall Street is reaching at best. We are over here printing money and all they can do is buy it and manipulate it. Their main source of income is fucking over their own clients, and we are not their clients nor ever will be.

But yeah I've definitely given up thinking these people are responsible adults who will become an important part of the ecosystem. The infinite greed will continue.


Sorry I guess I should have mentioned my unintellectual truth of the matter stated prior I was talking about, it was pretty simplistic, and in relation to the comment that there is no way they can take down a blockchain, if they take one person out, someone else will step in and keep it afloat. My comment back to that was the blockchains survival is only as good as the men willing to go to prison over it. How that relates to the terrorist point, was, we are beyond going to jail now, we are obviously gone to a point of just being obliviated from the face of the earth. A nowhere to hide scenario.

My calculation on wall street and military industrial complex intermix is already been established. It could be quite clearly seen in Russia's assertions that the US has tried to use the release of bird flu to decimate part of their economy a couple years ago. Who knows, maybe that's how bird flu really started, it's hard to imagine they would go there, but they did manufacture a virus and released it upon the global populace. In a indirect way, they can influence the behaviors of corporations, and not just by Blackrock threatening to take their proxy votes away. Not all corporations are inline with all political agenda's, obviously, but they can involuntarily be brought into the fold. If they move toward a more authoritarian, or tyrannical governing approach, they would, theatrically, have to also move against the powerbrokers who'd back people's opposition. As Obama said on a couple of different occasions, fear shapes peoples emotions, and also stated once on the persistence of fear being used as a governing emotion. Trump, when asked in an interview what is real power, Trump replied, "real power, and I don't even want to use the word, but real power is fear." I think Bush also had his own line when it came to fear, but fear can also shape markets, or the threats thereof.

Right well your points make a lot more sense when they revolve around the military industrial complex. No need to muddy the waters by talking about Wall Street at all. It will be interesting to see how far this will escalate, as you could have just as easily applied all this logic to torrenting and pirating IP back in the day and obviously would have ended up mostly wrong. Back in those days people were saying the same shit: oh they are going to put EVERYONE INTO PRISON. They didn't. They didn't even jail 0.01% of the violators.

Crypto is higher stakes

There's more risk and more reward on both sides. The prison industrial complex can only crack down so hard before they start stepping on the toes of the rich people that control the system. You largely don't seem to respect the nuance here and instead opt to go full nuclear and expect the absolute worst possible outcome, which is never how things actually work out in the end.

So what happened to Pirate Bay?
It's still around and people use it and nobody gives a shit.
Pretty decent chance the same thing happens to crypto assets.

You have more insight than me, probably why I walk the nuclear edge, lol.