The Magic of Propaganda.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

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The best lies are mostly truth.

Outright lies are easy to debunk. Peppering the truth with exaggerations and logical fallacies is much more effective. Propaganda is an artform, and those who do it badly will get very little results, while the masters can craft messages that will go viral on their own.

This is the key to propaganda: to get our leaders and messengers to actually believe the bullshit they are spewing. Once you get the people at the top drinking the coolaid, the lies will fall like dominoes and everyone will accept them as truth. Perception is reality. Believing the lie makes it true in many cases.

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This is why the lie that Bitcoin wastes energy is such a good one. Most people are no longer accepting the narrative that crypto is only used by drug dealers, terrorists, and other criminals. The message is changing, but the origin of the lies is exactly the same. The enemies of Bitcoin haven't changed, and they never will. Old money is dying. They've already lost, but they won't go without a fight.

That's why it's such a good lie.

The vast majority of the population doesn't even understand Bitcoin. When I start talking to someone who knows nothing about crypto I don't even have to wait for them to ask a question: I already know the first questions they are going to ask:

  1. Why does it have value?
  2. How does mining work?

Every single person outside the cryptosphere does not understand the value proposition of Bitcoin. This is what makes it so incredibly easy to launch a left-wing smear-campaign against Bitcoin in regard to how it wastes energy. It's already implied in the minds of the brainwashed that it has no inherent value, therefore any energy that it consumes becomes wasteful.

This sentiment becomes multiplied exponentially when considering that measuring Bitcoin's energy usage is easier to do than literally any other product in the world. All we have to do is check the hashrate and extrapolate the cost in real time. Transparency isn't always beneficial, but we can't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Is anyone complaining about how much pollution aircraft generate on a daily basis? Not really. I remember back during the 9/11 days when all the planes were grounded. Scientists were floored that the skies cleared up so quickly. The Earth would heal immediately if Humans weren't around actively fucking everything up. There are over 7 BILLION of us running around 24/7. Yikes.


This is the perfect time for central banks to tap into the new regime change and get into the heads of the left-wing. So many people on the left were absolutely crushed by the Trump presidency. Now that they are coming back into power they'll obviously fishtail right back into the hands of the authoritarians. It doesn't matter if the left or the right is in charge. What matters is that they are all authoritarian imperialists. Left vs Right doesn't matter to anyone that's actually in charge. Those are Children's table politics.


The fact that China is burning coal for cheap energy that generates high pollution is not a Bitcoin problem. It's a China problem. Bitcoin does not burn coal: China does. Bitcoin helps fund sustainable energy, which is why this propaganda against it is so ironically absurd on every level.


A new economy is emerging. The central banking cartel thought they burned all the bridges behind them. They thought they'd be in control forever, and they've accomplished that goal for over 100 years. However, we no longer need the bridges. We no longer have to ask for permission to cross. Technology is evolving faster than anyone can keep up. The bridges are now irrelevant: we're building rockets.


The legacy economy and the Internet itself are due for an absolutely MASSIVE upgrade. There's a lot of friction trying to implement this upgrade because the people in charge want to stay in charge. They don't want to be disrupted, but they do not have a choice. They are scrambling to stay on the top of the pyramid as it gets replaced by the new system. Some of them will succeed while others get knocked down a peg.

The irony of Bitcoin "wasting energy" and "destroying the Earth" is palpable. Bitcoin is a miracle. Proof-of-work is a mathematical marvel. Converting physical energy into digital value isn't a bug, it's feature.

Crypto is the only solution to the scaling solutions that humanity faces. It's the only way for bigger groups of people to trust each other. It's the only way to mitigate corruption so that our systems don't get top-heavy and implode. To say that crypto is the problem when it is literally the only solution available is simply spewing propaganda that originates from the entities trying to maintain control. The interesting thing is that most people who spread the message actually believe it. That's the magic of propaganda: it spins half-lies into the truth, and that is a marvelous superpower.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Billions of people all consuming propaganda on electronic devices is good for the environment though.

They used to kill trees just to have paper so they could write about and share news on how the environment is going to shit and it's everyone else's fault. Then all the fuel required to distribute those papers, books, magazines. The fuel burned to produce the food for all involved. And so on...

Hmmm. What else...

Those folks wanting to ban fossil fuels, talking about it nonstop on social media, while holding a device that for some strange reasons requires a thick plastic case they bought because it looks cool. And of course they'd much rather see people digging tunnels with shovels in order to retrieve those precious metals required to tell their friends they hate everything about this world, but you won't see them signing up to go work in that mine.

eco friendly rockets

rockets designing to clear the crypto pollution caught in action

That is definitely a wise move. Removing it all from the air, then converting it into millions watching. Brilliant.


Billions of people all consuming propaganda on electronic devices is good for the environment though.

Ahahahahha... this had me chuckling out loud.

Refreshing perspective. :)

How about those folks claiming organic plastics are the way to go, from the comfort of their easy chairs, as they say it on a device, knowing nothing about farming and how much fuel and land it takes to produce organic plastics, instead of using that land and fuel to eat, as so many in the world go hungry, because one third of all food is thrown in the trash mainly due to best before dates, blemishes, dents in a can, or carelessness.

And let's use wood to heat the fires needed to melt the metals because we've not learned anything from the Rapa Nui?

This refreshing perspective could go on and on and stems from working on an organic seed farm. You know, the ones they say are healthy, better for us, yadda yadda yadda. But instead of using chemicals, more fuel is burned pulling primitive rod weeders. All while thousands of acres of land must sit, not producing food for one year at least, because a plant destined to be worked into the soil in order to replenish nutrients instead of using evil fertilizer must enjoy its turn to live.

And heaven forbid the world heats up back to the levels once creating fertile lands and rains even in the great desert known as Antarctica, providing habitat for the plants and animals that went extinct due to this ice age we're experiencing now. Saving those skyscrapers and mansions on the coast is far more important. I mean, how could one even fathom living on a planet that changes? Screw that...

Oh! And I'm fun at parties.

Daaaaaang, lol.

I believe there's been recent discoveries regarding the Rapa Nui history, but I know little about it. I also know little about the chemicals vs. rod weeders situation, but I get your overall points regardless.

I've never worked on an organic seed farm but... wow. Pretty eye-opening stuff.

Anyway, I generally agree with embracing change, and that the planet's resilience is often overlooked and downplayed.

I could definitely see this going over well at parties, lol.

LOL. I usually keep it to myself. And with the Rapa Nui, they believe, in order to position those Easter Island head monument things, they chopped down all the trees. Then didn't even have wood to make boats, couldn't fish, things like that. Basically stripped the island clean of resources. Then couldn't even leave.

Likely prudently so, lol. 🤣

That sounded pretty extreme, so I googled around a bit to read more of the story and found this: -- they offer an alternative narrative, any thoughts?

Regardless, I'm glad to dip my toe into the waters and learn a bit more about it, and whether all the details are correct or not, the concepts behind it seem relevant. Much obliged for summarizing. 🙏

Well. I guess that's just another example of how information evolves. I'm sure the researchers initially coming up with theories had good intentions. For the most part, we can still only guess. I can't help it if one human says one thing, sounds convincing, and other humans say something else, as well as sound convincing.

Knowing more is always nice.

The elite have mainstream media. We have an immutable ledger and memes. Memes are a great thing to have on your side.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Watching this comedy skit was triggering lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks bro

“The counter productive ones” It is what I call them. They don’t create anything of value yet piss on people that do create. Propaganda aside there is one thing we all can’t avoid and that is the truth..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

I like reading your posts. They are lengthy, yet not too lengthy. You always have a good amount of facts balanced with personal dialogue and perceptive.

Of course, your articles are very helpful as well.

Thanks you.

The anti-BTC propaganda is preparing the way for Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Ah yep, that tracks.

That video is so funny. I like old people 😆

The best lies are mostly truth

Unfortunately it is the truth. If you just mix in half truths into the narrative, you can convince the people who don't research the issue. So long as the the people in charge can stay in charge, they don't care what party you are in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey, Bill thanks for the free press! And what makes the dollar/fiat a better alternative?

Despite the narratives changing over the years and the banks tries to burn the bridges, the Bitcoin rocket is flying higher and higher. Elon Musk is full of crap and with his latest tweets he just proved he's not worthy of a crypto influencer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hi @edicted
I think you hit the nail on the head:

The legacy economy and the Internet itself are due for an absolutely MASSIVE upgrade.

They don't want to be disrupted, but they do not have a choice.

Some of them will succeed while others get knocked down a peg.

The irony of Bitcoin "wasting energy" and "destroying the Earth" is palpable. Bitcoin is a miracle. Proof-of-work is a mathematical marvel. Converting physical energy into digital value isn't a bug, it's feature.

Crypto is the only solution to the scaling solutions that humanity faces. It's the only way for bigger groups of people to trust each other. It's the only way to mitigate corruption so that our systems don't get top-heavy and implode.

This is to me, so true, we need trustless solutions more then ever, because we distrust more then ever.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Upvoted ;)

If you repeat a lie enough times, it eventually becomes the truth... that's something that not many people can see through.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm with you... That every single person outside the cryptosphere does not understand the value proposition of Bitcoin. They are very easy to manipulate of people who against to Bitcoin or crypto.

I like the way you explain everything! Perfect.

good post!

Very interesting post on a topic I think about deeply and often, @edicted .

I won't weigh on the 'bitcoin is wasteful' debate, but I would like to make a comment about propaganda.

The 'techniques' of propaganda can be applied to any message. An utterly false one, a totally true one, or something in between. The techniques can be applied to messages benefitting one selfish individual, or to those benefitting society as a whole.

So the interesting thing for me is that people spreading lies are so often the ones to master propaganda-techniques, while people spreading truths generally seem to 'not bother' mastering these persuasion techniques.

Seems to me the only solution to 'negative' propagandists that harm society, are (superior) positive propagandists who heal society, but I haven't seen too many of the latter so far.

For example, let's say we want to spread the message the "bitcoin is a worthwhile use of energy", we could write about it on Hive, or we could model more of what the master propagandists might do.

Anyway, I haven't formed an opinion about all this, I just felt it was an interesting observation that might contribute to the discussion, and I deeply appreciate all the food for thought your article has given me here. Thank you. 🙏

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment