This must be some kind of @edicted world-record.
I've been chanting for a while now that we would be hitting $2 CUB on Wednesday. Been saying it for a week now. Why? Major Uniswap vibes combined with the information received on Monday the 15th when yields were reduced the first time.
The market didn't really bottom until two days after the yield reduction, so I figured this next yield reduction would take about two days to bottom out. Here we are: Wednesday! The day of blood!

This is the birth of Uniswap.
As I keep saying over and over, I'm getting major Uniswap vibes from CUB. Everyone jumps on the hype train in the beginning and you get those crazy spikes, but reality has to crash back to Earth eventually. Uniswap also crashed to a $2 low: more accurately $1.80.
However, we see that once the bottom is in on an asset like this, it becomes very short-lived. CUB market cap has plummeted to $2.3M, and we were having a pretty easy time of sustaining the $2.8M-$3.0M level for quite a while. Surely there are a few CUB bulls who don't even know the price is this low yet.
It looks like what happened here is that some big players in the Cub Den realized they were a bit overextended. 100k CUB exited the den. At least half of that was dumped on the market to reenter the LP. Not sure how many (if any) exited the ecosystem entirely.
Why did this happen?
Too many bulls assuming that a supply shock would happen instantly in the wake of a yield reduction, and then panicking when that obviously wasn't the case. Again, why would it be? We already saw what happens when yield gets reduced. The crypto crack addicts panic and dump. Game over, bro, game over.

Liquidity is liquid
Imagine the faucet of CUB pouring into a bucket. When you turn down the faucet the liquid is still in the bucket. It's not going to magically disappear. That takes what we call in this biz: time. You have to wait for the liquidity in the bucket to drain, something that apparently no one is willing to do: wait.
Hell, it takes Bitcoin 12-18 months for the bucket to evaporate and a supply shock to occur. People thought it was going to take CUB less than a day? Please. Litecoin's halfing was August 5, 2019 and the supply shock still hasn't hit... lol.
This is why we can't have nice things!
I told myself I was going to wait for Wednesday and get in on this $2 CUB price, but I just couldn't do it. That's the problem with these projects and the FOMO that surrounds them. NOBODY employs restraint or proper dollar cost averaging strategies. The price is $2 and everyone is already out of money to defend this level. If we had just played it safe CUB would be getting aggressively bought right now.
Pivot strategy
Now that CUB is trading at such a low value, I refuse to sell it on the market. All my farm is going directly into the DEN, I can no longer justify rolling my gains back into the compound farm. $2 is a good level to defend, especially while the market cap is so low. Basically all the CUB I receive at this level is going directly into the DEN, and I'll think about reentering an LP once we get back to say $4.
Again, major Uniswap vibes. I look forward to a CUB price of $10+ in Q2, and a price of $30+ in Q4. This is the mega-bubble year, and crazy things happen. Good things come to those who wait.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Patiently hodling to see if you're right on this one.
Eh how could it not be? :D
Funny how people forget what diamond hands actually means.
Forging the diamond isn't sunshine and rainbows.
but sunshine through a diamond might show you rainbows ;<)
I'm patient...
With an airdrop of only 30 cubs and a late start to the party due to issues with Binance and my laptop, I'm slowly working my way toward 1k CUB. Getting pretty close.
And yeah, I threw in 4 or 5 BNB ( even sold half of my precious satoshis ) for this, so I'm a believer.
I also have what happened to Uniswap in mind and see CUB rising loads in the months ahead.
I happily bought more in the last couple of days and got a couple of dozen more CUBS by leaving the BUSD CUB pool twice yesterday. Profit went into the CUB den.
I sure have diamond paws this time ;<)
Onward and upward!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're a monster! A big amount of CUB you have! Nice one! Its time to buy CUB LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great minds think alike, I have also been filling up the den. In fact, all my yield farms are compounding for themselves right now, it seems like the no. 1 strategy to not materialize losses. The overall DeFi correction is extremely healthy in my opinion and Cub DID show diamond paws considering how badly all the other farms went. Cub did not feel it compared to your prediction right? Even as how Leo dipped.
If things get much more bearish for big players like Goose by Tuesday, than yes, I'll be worried. Until then, make some room folks, I'm liking the APRs Muahahaha!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Leo didn't really dip: ETH did.
Also, as an after thought, maybe all the dens and farms should have a small deposit fee. To help burn the token.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting idea... not sure if we want to add friction there... but maybe.
Stops users from pool hoping so much.
Then I would be a genius :D
AT the moment I have some " I'm an idiot vibes" :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think there is plenty of money left in the community, like you said, a lot of big players don't know about the dip yet. imho we'll be back to $2.50 within a day or two.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Watching with anticipation. Got some payday fiat laying around. Might want to jump in but at the right price. Got to clear out the weak hands.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i said to my friends, don't expect to sell cubs before 6 months
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Doing everything I can to BTFD
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I waited and dumped more cash in today, I did try to defend the $3 price. A costly run but ah well you live and learn.
I tried to equal Leo price on HE to bleo so I could pump some Hive into it, price was rejected.
Meh, I will have another go at it in a few days. But I agree with you I am buidl my CUB at this price.
I agree with you CUB gonna explode!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol that's quite a prediction. Doing a screenshot of this. Let's see 👀😜
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for your reassurance about the future of CUB! I'm staying in the den with a good feeling knowing I'm not alone.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Strong 💎🐾 together! ❤️
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, until CUB goes 10x at least!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very impressive. Not sure if I should invite you to my tipping challenges because you would probably win everything :D
@edicted this is really an intelligent and a smart move...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just confused about imprament loss can you please tell me little how it works if I provide liquidity to cub busd pair.
First of all - don‘t panic.
When $CUB price is falling you increase your quantity and if the price gains your Tokens will get less (LP Token percentage stays always 50/50 when combined as a Pair). Just leave it like it is when you are thinking that $CUB will recover in the middle to long run.
Unstake your LP-Tokens from the farm if you feel alright with the actual Amount of $CUBs. At least you are constantly producing more $CUB and that is what you want I guess.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True words! Thank you 4 that! 🙏🏻
Yeah, I was also able to gain my Amount of $CUB through providing Liquidity cause the price was dropping and I was farming $CUB additionally. Don‘t saw that as a bad thing as I thought that this could be the bottom end at the price at $ 2,-.
Providing Liquidity was just another way for me to even gain more „free $CUBs“ as I expected the price to gain a lot in a few weeks from now. Of course all of my „free $CUBs“ are sitting in the Den too and doing their work. 💪🏻
Snout up my fellow 🦁 Friends - 💎🐾 will pay up soon! ❤️
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Of course the key question is: how long will the CUB dip last? ;)
Or should the key question perhaps be: how do we make it shorter? I guess putting CUB in the Den is one way to help it, but are there other things we can do as a community?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, spread the word about CUB DeFI as often as you can! (outside of Leo Finance) 💪🏻
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're spot on with your Uniswap vibes. I got exactly the same feeling.
Just bought some extra CUB today as well, perfect time to average down!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is how Uniswap performed when it was started. CUB has a better chance at achieving those numbers once LeoBridge opens the gate.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am just leaving everything as it is now. I may buy more CUB at this low price if I can scrape up the dough. We will have to see how things go.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'll be waiting.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
yes, if you look at all governance tokens for defi they all have this U shaped curve. there's a good chance that it will be like this for CUB as well!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
All I can do is wait patiently now. No panic sell. Just waiting this out, it doesn't matter how long it takes. If it goes lower than $2 I buy and hodl.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Agreed man! I did the same thing and have no fresh powder left to help defend $2. Just putting everything in the DEN that I earn from rewards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Still compounding all my gained CUB!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We aren't broke yet, we need the bridge! lol
Good calls thanks for the post. Personally, I have some assets to move and BNB native coin, but the steps are tedious.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Some people might try to remove the liquidity as well, without knowing that this would cause them the loss,
this is the best strategy, right now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sure hope you're right on that Cub price ;) In any case, hodling them as well. With a team like this, I can't imagine it not taking off!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Bottoms up!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta