I Learnt Loyalty From Butu!

in LeoFinance2 days ago (edited)

Write about the first pet you've had in your life that comes to mind.

My answer:

Butu was just incorrigible! He was quite a handful and he was Grandma's dog back in those days when I was a child, and was living with her in the village.

It was a Mongrel with a wild spirit, a rascal to the core. It chased rodents, livestocks, caused chaos everywhere and loved grabbing my rubber dolls with his teeth. Infact he chewed away at my favourite rubber dolls, played with our footwears and scattered them everywhere that we were always on the lookout for one foot or the other, our clothes on the clothesline weren't safe from Butu's antic either, he played with just about anything and I couldn't understand why Grandma put up with him.

On many occasions, he attacked our neighbour's chickens and even injured our Christmas goat during one of his escapades. And during one of his games, Butu broke the wooden protection of our new barn, and by the time we returned from the farm that evening, all the goats in the neighbourhood were feasting on Grandma's tubers of yam, our hardwork of one full season. He hunted and brought home dead stuffs all the time, after rolling in it.
With no territorial consciousness, he jumped all over the place like he already conquered the world, and so owned it and for the life of me, I couldn't grapple with the fact that Grandma let him get away with such impudence.
Meet Butu, Grandma's pet dog who I didn't like but who was the first dog who gave me my first experience of having a pet live with me.

But I bet in hindsight, Butu’s antics do bring back some very funny memories of those carefree village days.

Grandma went to visit one of her friends one day, who incidentally had a litter of puppies. In a very strange and fateful moment, one of them slowly walked over to her and put his head on her lap and looked at her with his soulful puppy dog eyes. When she was about taking her leave, that particular one followed her and no matter how they drove him back, he just refused.

You know, the owner had to gift him to Grandma, acknowledging that there must be this connection between them. According to her it was strange, It seemed like Butu chose Grandma from the start, like his loyalty was already set.

Sometimes animals can be uncanny in their perception, even beyond our own understanding. Butu was probably destined to be with Grandma even when he was one mischievous pet.

He was a rascal in every sense of the word, I didn't like him initially because of his antics but soon enough he too stole my heart. His loyalty was top notch. He served as a badass alert dog, guard dog and personal protection dog.

An incident that remains evergreen in my heart was when Butu proved his loyalty to me and wormed his way right into my heart.

On one of my errands for Grandma, I came face to face with some bullies, the road was lonely and honestly I was so afraid that my heart jumped into my mouth. I knew they were going to give me the beating of my life before anyone could come to my rescue. My pleas to let me go fell on deaf ears, they taunted me as they dragged me into the nearby bush.
And from nowhere, Butu showed up!

Incredible! He did show up from nowhere and pounced on the bullies, he ferociously fought against the two, biting and scratching and tearing up their clothes. With bloodied bodies, they were sent scampering, almost naked into the bush. I stood amazed! Then he walked up to me, wagging his tail at me, there was that reassuring comfort as he stood next to me on that lonely road, in perfect silence: that was a powerful statement. "I am his pack, I am family, and I won't let no one mess up with you!"

Strangely enough, after that incidence, a relationship, genuine friendship began between girl and dog and Butu the incorrigible turned a new leaf, he became my companion as well and was eager to do my bidding and carry out my commands. I never would know how but after that fight with the bullies, Butu became one of the sweetest pets I have ever known.
He was my fierce protector and could sense so easily when I was troubled, the way he would sit by me quietly like he was saying "I understand what you are going through" kind of stuff, always made me smile.
And when he did earn those juicy bones from me or Grandma, and a pat on the back for being one great dog, he would wag his tail and happily wallop off into the nearby bush with his prized possession.

There are a lot of lessons dogs can teach us if we let them, I learnt very fierce loyalty from Butu, I understood how large a heart a dog could have and how they are so much better than us at positivity, enjoying every moment as they come.

Though he died a long time ago, every dog I ever came across fondly reminds me of the "daredevil Butu", his topnotch loyalty and his very "wicked" antics.



This is in response to an initiative of @ericvancewalton, to make us walk down memory lane and relive those moments long gone, keeping them alive for our future generations.

Here's the link

In a year from now you’ll have a legitimate memoir that you can pass along to future generations of your family. But what I really hope is it provides a valuable glimpse into your inner self.

Thank you @ericvancewalton for this noble initiative. 😊

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hi , I apologize, but I have laughed at some point with the antics of Butu. I was also touched by how he came to your aid when you were in danger. This story reminds me of my first two pets. Two boxer dogs that almost adopted me as their puppy. If anyone approached me with bad intentions, even my parents had to deal with them. My father often scolded me when the dogs were not present. Another lesson in loyalty, I think they would have given their lives to take care of me.

Thank you very much for sharing this story, a hug my friend @edith-4angelseu. 🤗

🤣🤣🤣... They actually do see us as their pack hence they would go to lengths and breadths to protect their own.
I'm sure your parents didn't want to get into trouble by scolding you in the presence of the dogs.
Thank you so much my friend, I also had a good laugh reading about your boxer dogs.
Hugs ❤️ Amigo!

🤣 Hugs ♥️ mi amiga. See you soon

Butu was one great dog inspite of his antics, he knew where his loyalty lay.
A very beautiful post!

Thank you very much 🙏


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How Butu became your grandma's dog is strange indeed. Perhaps they were meant for each other and you too :) I'm relieved Butu came to your rescue when you needed it most. Thank you for sharing this heartwarming story about your pet and his loyalty to you and your grandmom.