Owww wow, you are in the profit on this farm play! Super!
I had quite a bit of bad plays last year, so I stopped playing farms completely. Not my thing. Was nice to learn, but seen it, done it, back to investing :)
Though wondering how it looks currently, Poly dumped a lot but is kinda trying to move up again a little. Anyways, just looked at the chart (https://dexscreener.com/polygon/0x5aefd5c04ed6dbd856a5aeb691efcc80c0ab7472), nothing else. Don't know the farm, I didn't read about it and all. Market Cap is like 3M$? That's a lot for a farm, or at least for a smaller farm. Or am I missing something?
Cool SEED is making some money with this farm :)
I still like my TenseT! Not a farm, but an ETF. Have some money in it which gives me free airdrops of all sorts of tokens. Not sure about the APR, but must be a few 10%/year. And very much like TenseT launchpad in which I locked tokens. They just launched a few projects/year, but they all do very well. Soon they gonna announce their next project. Last time it was like 3000 or 3500 TenseT tokens to get the subscription giving the right to participate in a project launch. They will open subscriptions again before the next launch. Requires about 10k$ with today's value of the token. It didn't help TenseT is listed as the top launchpad at coingecko, or one of the other major crypto sites. Well, it does the token value good, but not so good for new entrants. Anyways, something to consider for SEED.
Logo: well, go for it.
I'm farming in the btc/eth/usd pools and the reward token is polycub, that's all :)
The money being made comes from selling the polycubs harvested and sold. As I told in the post I'm not considering to hold them (at least yet) since I also consider polycub vastly overvalued in terms of marketcap. But... as long as the price remains high, better for me, since I'm getting more APR in the meanwhile.
just looked at TenseT, they incubated metahero? that was great!
PolyCub: standard BSC farm (ah well, these days also on other chains like avalanche, fantom and whatnot). Big APRs, none native pools with native rewards and many sell them. Anyways, as mentioned, no game for me at all after playing too many of these farms with mostly breakeven, sometimes bigger losses and rarely gains.
I truly don't understand why so many farms are created. In the end, a farm has a purpose, but can only be for those using a service and owning its token and likes to park it somewhere for a bit of 'interest'. Any farm that is created just for the farm, is doomed :) But I'm sure you know that and know that you need to be in the non-native pools and dump the reward tokens as quickly as you can. In the meantime hoping for others to hold those natives, or even buy them so the dump makes more profits. Its basically a game for the knowledgable peeps to 'steal' money from the 'stupid' peeps 🙃
TenseT indeed launched Metahero. They also launched Everdome. Metahero scans will go into the Everdome metaverse. The downside is at the moment that many 'investors' in Metahero/Everdome tokens don't see the full picture and are only complaining in the community channels of respective projects. Part of the reason why these tokens are not doing that great lately. That said, Everdome fully diluted is still at around 5 Billion $. Also, roadmap of Metahero seems to be pushed back. I understand why, since what they try to create costs so much money, they need to get it right to make sure they will not start a scanner business that stays in the red figures (most scanner businesses in the last decade and more are all loss-making, partially because they dont have enough use cases or the number of scans per use case is too limited, whilst the cost for a scan is too high... catch 22 situations which MetaHero is trying to break through).