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RE: Who deserves to be Rich?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Man it's funny because I was asking myself the same question, and I think it's all of the above. Some people are just great with other people, and they contribute to the HIVE ecosystem by just being themselves, and don't need any particular set of skills, though someone might argue that being good with people is a skill of its own.

Being caring and supporting for other people's content, is also a job, and one works only with the other, by this I mean that one feeds the other, and vice-versa.

Me, if I post a song, and nobody is watching it or listening to it, well it makes the task completely pointless, at the same time you do need to interact with others, and cannot expect to get people interested in your craft if you aren't interested yourselves in their stories.

I think that's where HIVE blurs the line between content creators and users, it's very rare to see a content creator on Youtube answering to comments, whereas here if you don't answer your comments on your post, it's frowned upon.
That also explains why many "successful" content creators came here, and were expecting instant success, but did not provide any effort to ENGAGE, (the sacred word hahaha) only to find mild interest in their work, because the human aspect is very strong on HIVE, we are all part of small group of tribes, bartering skills.


it's very rare to see a content creator on Youtube answering to comments

And its stupid. I really believe you should answer the comments even if you are a yt creator, maybe not all of them since you can get 1000's but at least the first 100 or so..

And ye we do engage alot more here with eachother than just being creators ^^

Thanks for the comment! :D

And ye we do engage alot more here with eachother than just being creators ^^

I think it's dope, how many times I met some awesome people just by accident, answering a random comment.


Ye its pretty neat! :D