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RE: Living in the moment

in LeoFinance4 years ago

One of the best parts of living off crypto is the endless ways you could earn money to fund your life. Depending on your society, if you have the means t throw a couple of thousands of dollars into certain lucrative projects, you could turn into your own boss and live on your own terms.

This reasoning is absolutely amazing and I so love it.

I think that one of humans greatest desire should be a desire to live as the boss of himself and that's what you call living at your own terms.

Yesterday, I spoke with a friend of mine who went for a job interview asking her how it all went and surprisingly, the conditions was really absurd even though the pay was fair for a young lady of her age but not too good also which that was okay but then the conditions she was given got me off my feet.

While we were growing, they told us that who pays you controls you and that is definitely true because the conditions this young lady was give was out of this world.

I picked up a job as a volunteer staff to an organization just because I needed a place to keep me busy not my pocket. So I live and work on my own terms, choose when I go to work and when not to.

The world of crypto is littered with so much opportunities. Just be passionate enough, desiring enough and desperate enough to effect a change and live on your own terms just as you said.

#proofofbrain #noexian #palnet

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