This is a fantastic initiative and having the proper tools are a must for our online work and this awesome blockchain deserves the best!
I invested in a second monitor as a Christmas present and what a game-changer lol
I'm grateful to have a "can't complain" customizable desktop PC but I'm sure some Lions don't even have a laptop and that's a loss of the extra creativity they could throw!
So here's my little donation:
8 LEO and 500 CTP Tokens
Thank you for this initiative and thank you to everyone who is participating :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I got it, thank you very much. I have added you to the donation table above.
Having a 2 screen set up myself, i could not go back to anything less, lol. The investment in an extra screen if you have space is a no brainer but not many people do it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta