
Consider yourself slapped. In the kindest way

Thank you, appreciate it :)
Feels that the day is not the same without any threading 😋

I kknknknoknow the feeling. I want to hit a minimum of 100 a day. Gotta kekeekeep working on that.

You know....World domination and all!

I would be happy just to dominate my life properly lolol

It is around 1 am here too. Past one actually.

Just woke up after sleeping quite early.
I don't think you missed much from yesterday

oh, a night owl huh? And we are in the same time zone yay!

I always called myself a European working on Eastern time!

Because my partners in crime are on the other side! lol

Well, I am in Nigeria, West Africa. I am guessing your country is close to the equator hence the time similarity.

We are still a bit away from each other but the islands are more near Africa than mainland Europe lol I'm in Portugal, Madeira Islands :)

#gmfrens have a great start day

Been away from #threads all day, feel free to slap me!

You like it rough. My kind of girl.

I shouldnt be surprise. You like organ harvesting.

I thought your kind of girl was rich old ladies!

Not too old, don't forget the organs!!

That is called a target. LOL

And with you, I know you will never allow to forget them.