Great explanation, thanks!
I have read about other projects that also aim to provide untraceability but I have also read about it having failed: one is Zcash that has already seen vulnerated its anonimity, and more recently Secret Network, from which I know nothing.
Have you heard of any of this projects? Could you share your pow and insights on it and maybe some comparison to XMR?
Thanks in advance, and all the best,
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
While both can technically be considered privacy coins, Monero is slightly different to (and in my opinion better than) ZCash.
The biggest difference lies in the fact that Monero's privacy is not a choice.
Every Monero wallet is anonymous by default, while ZCash's privacy feature is an optional extra.
As I discussed in the blog, the aim is to be anonymous within a crowd so large and diverse that it becomes impossible to trace.
But as ZCash's option means the anonymous pool is going to be smaller, this actually makes it easier to trace even the anonymous transactions.
It's for this reason that when comparing Monero vs ZCash, I lean toward Monero.
As for Secret Network, I had not heard of this project before but it certainly looks interesting.
That comparison might be another cool section of our Monero Guide to do.
Cheers :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome bro, thank you very much!
It is funny that when I searched for Secret Network, one of the main features it shows off (hehe) is actually having the "Monero's Privacy by Default" making reference to what you have just stated!
I will share the link to Secret Network here. I personally don't understand many technical details sometimes, even though I make my best effort every time. Maybe you could comprehend it way better, and hopefully share it with all of us, hehe.
Thanks for everything!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta