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RE: Elon Musk "Can't See WEB3" and Jack Dorsey Plays The Role of a Complete Moron(If Not Actually Being One)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I think there is a lot of confusion around this. Web3 has become a buzz word and there is a lot of projects that say web3 so people will think they are decentralized and are not. witch is what I think Jack is trying to point out. web3 really just means web with blockchain but blockchain dose not mean truly decentralized. I like the way this tweet explains it.

with that being said I do hope to see more decentralized projects, and maybe we can take back the web3 buzzword.

another example would be VS Now I am not saying Tally will stay decentralized and if I am wrong correct me. But when you look at the licenses in github for the wallets you see a clear difference in tune. and both say they are web3.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta