How do we normally react to when someone gets us annoyed or have done something really bad that you find it really painful and difficult to forgive especially if it is something in the past.
We all have a way of handling things or emotions is just that the way we control or go about it is totally different especially when such person is been insulted or wronged by someone, some people may find it difficult to forgive even if they do they don't forget.
Others pretend to forget about a certain scenario or issue in the past but when certain issue comes up they bring it up again that look he or she have done something like this to me before such persons has forgiven but didn't forget.
Nobody is perfect and we all learn everyday so as to correct mistakes and live a good and free life. To make the world a better place we should always forgive and show love to others the same way we love ourselves, not only to forgive but to forget because the past can't change the future so we got to let go of it and move on.
The aspect of forgive and forget can come or occur in so many ways especially in relationship when break up due occur because If such lovers do meet in the future, they may find it difficult to forgive and forget about their past even if they will forgive each other, they might find it hard to forget because they will start bringing in the past though it is normal to do so but it won't help but to forget.
To engage in forgiveness doesn’t mean that what happened was really right or ok, and also it does not mean that such person should still be welcomed in your life but you should know that your boundaries still matter and also grudges can be part of forgiving as well.
Deriving or engaging yourself in forgiveness simply means that you've made peace and the let go of the pain and forget about it.
We should always acknowledge both the good and the bad and also the beautiful time spent together and know that there's a reason it all served an important purpose in life.
The word forgiveness is not something we do for others but it's something we do for ourselves to be free because you will have to make the choice to either dwell on the previous actions or pain caused by others, or you can forgive and move on and to make yourself happy.
If we don't forgive others we are not doing ourselves any good because we are not also forgiving ourselves. In other words we should always accept forgiveness for both others and ourselves to have a simple and happy life.
Developing the act of forgiveness holds onto a resentment, shame, grievance, guilt, or pain from the past, in which our whole body-mind suffers. To develop act of forgiveness is the highest thing to show back love or a form of love.
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