How Much Money Is Enough For We Humans To Have

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Our financial goals as humans differs because we always want something huge and big to capitalize on which always motivate us to hustle for more. Most of the hustle and struggle we find ourselves doing in life is due to the fact that we want to grow financially but despite that we don't have a specific amount of money we want, we just want to have it in abundance.


The dream of everyone is to grow financially but it then depends on the category we find ourselves because no matter how hard we try to grow financially there is always where we will find ourselves which may be appreciated or not. The motive to always seek for more is part of us as humans and that won't be taken away as long as we have the mindset to chase money.

We humans are never tired to make more money and that is why we always seek to have more than what we have before. The people who are millionaires and billionaires are still always on the motive to acquire more money so we that aren't up to that level is not exceptional at all. No amount of money can satisfy our financial want because if we stop aiming to acquire more there is this feeling that we are losing something and that would definitely not happen.

No one is contented with his or her own financial status and that is why you are people who have already made is still hustling. The journey of our financial progress is a non stop movement that doesn't need to stop except we decide to give up to continue. As human what we want is a continuous income that can keep us to maintain without lacking any financial issues.

I have come to realize that the more money you have the more financial bills you intend to clear which is a true fact and we will always be in a position to pay bills. Even if we intend to change environment and lifestyle that wouldn't change the fact that there would also be a change of financial expenses as well. No amount of money can satisfy we humans and I wouldn't say that is greed because as we experience each day so as more expenses keeps increasing.

Life is a stage process and for we to get to the top or financial position we want requires us to work towards it. Though even if we get there the mindset to still grow above that will come in place so we just have to keep pushing and moving without stopping or giving up. The world is becoming more of a competitive place where we want to acquire or achieve more wealth than other people which is even part of the motive that people wants more wealth and success.

Oppression is trooping in by most people and this is really affecting other people mentality on how they really want to be like such people or even achieve more than them. I would say that aiming for more money is a good thing because being stagnant financially can affect ones life but also we should be contented with our own income than comparing ourselves to other people's success.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 173 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!