1/hello @everyone it's my first #threadstorm and guess what?it's a staggering journey as a drummer from birth, falling in love with the art and keeping up despite many humiliation, I still get incline to drum
#gmfrens #mondaymotivation
1/hello @everyone it's my first #threadstorm and guess what?it's a staggering journey as a drummer from birth, falling in love with the art and keeping up despite many humiliation, I still get incline to drum
#gmfrens #mondaymotivation
recall being kicked for due to takeover ever being this humiliated before
Don't let the dream die, you will bounce back! Welcome!
Thanks so much my #fren I will keep this kind words in my heart
Being passionate about #drumming so I give a lot of time and attention to rehearsing and watching a lot of videos to improve #mondaymotivation #gmfrens
Yesterday's worship session in church was my best moments as a #drummer the awesome atmosphere and the energy that feels the room was so great and it was good
#lifeofadrummer #passionondrums
Still looking forward to more invigorative moments as such, I am my best when in the right settings#playingtheInstrument with the right kind of people
4/threadstorm #lifeofadrummer #threadstorm #
Sometimes it seems so impossible and I almost gave up #mydrumlife, due to bad moments but somehow I still got back on my feet and find myself seated behind the kit #lifeofadrummer