Gratitude Weekend: The Opportunities to Grow

in LeoFinance2 years ago


We are often lost on how difficult growth can be that we sometimes forget just how much of a privilege it is. How many people can afford to take up a second degree in the University for instance? How many can afford to build a business? We complain but many people do not even have the fundamental tools for growth like education and basic infrastructure.

I took this perspective thinking about certain challenges I have been facing of late. One required me having to sell a substantial portion of my Hive assets. I was pretty beat up about losing them now but kept reminding myself that opportunities lie ahead to reclaim what had been lost. All goes well I should be able to do that in a matter of months. This epiphany I name the privilege of opportunity.

Most people who complain about difficultly also need realize that those opportunities given to another person in need will be effectively utilized. It is like the parable of talents in the Bible where the one who complained about the amount of coins given to him had it stripped and given to another person. Perhaps a realization sparks certain actions that prompt us to better maximize the opportunities right in front of us.

There are some opportunities that open up to us right from the get go. Those ones are sometimes overlooked and under appreciated. The ones which we strive to open up are a lot more difficult to decipher and prompt a larger sense of appreciation. Take for instance the opportunities that open up having completed a degree or stabilizing a failing business. That pathway for sustained or advanced growth is a privilege, but so is the process that created the pathway.

What would you do for opportunities? By virtue of location or family background one may already be more privileged than others. People work their socks off just to create opportunities for themselves, while some who have it don't even recognize it or appreciate it. We have to really give it to the goal getters who create something out of nothing. It is always said that there are opportunities everywhere but it takes a really determined person to see them in really difficult situations.

Hive A Ball of Opportunities

The crypto space as a whole is one bag of opportunities. We have literally created massive opportunities to revolutionize our traditional sectors out of nothing. It didn't exist a couple of decades ago, now the opportunities are endless.

Hive in itself is one of those platforms even within the crypto space that stands out in terms of opportunities. There is the potential side of things, where we hold on to Hive assets and watch them grow. There is also the innovative side where the opportunities come in various forms. Finally the barrier for entry and earning is so low that everyone with a basic smartphone and internet education, coupled with a bit of literacy can partake. The aforementioned are privileges on their own, so recognizing that should motivate us to build our Hive assets and presence to the extent where the opportunities will come to us.


This is wonderful..I really appreciate this writtens

It is always said that there are opportunities everywhere but it takes a really determined person to see the

True to fact this has always been the case of life were opportunities lies waste everyday, but it will probably take a keen observer and a very determined persons to see them and act on them..

But most times the key way to success is always PREPARATION+ OPPORTUNITIES=SUCCESS, so most times People fail not be cause there's no opportunity but because they weren't ready for it, been taken unawares caused them to fail

But I must really give accolades to those self made individuals that stood up in the middle of no where and take advantage of what's available and utilise that....

Appreciate you for this piece

Thank you very much.

I appreciate... please 🍻

I'd rather come across an opportunity and take it than let it pass me by because creating opportunities is way harder than finding out. I realise that awareness helps a lot. Oftentimes, it's when we look back do we realise the number of opportunities we have missed and the main reason is that we didn't know enough at that time.

Information and willpower are two things I pray does not pass me by as I grow older. Too many possible wins I have missed in the past, not willing to continue that trend in the future

Sure enough. I think that's the two main things needed to seize every good opportunity that comes our way.

Taking proper advantage of every opportunities that comes our way is very important, hive is a perfect example of such opportunity and building oneself here is definitely important as I do say hive is here to stay forever

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If we think of Hive in forever terms then we shouldn't miss the opportunity to build now that the opportunity presents itself

Taking proper advantage of every opportunities that comes our way is very important, hive is a perfect example of such opportunity and building oneself here is definitely important as I do say hive is here to stay forever

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta