Silencing the Voices


People are often astounded by labels in the political space that they perhaps fail to see beyond the surface. When one party is gaining support over time with rather suspect values, the question should be why this is so. Instead what we see most times is a complete demonization of the party as well as its entire support base.

The problem with that is when issues are simply dismissed as trivial, then it will continue to astound those who merely look at the surface. This is why I've always had an issue with descriptive labels such as 'left', 'right' or 'far' anything. Once you classify based on those descriptions a lot of people automatically make their own assumptions without even bothering to see any substance in the individual groups.

While there certainly are extreme groups and categorising makes them easier to identify, it certainly isn't a one fits all tag that accurately defines every group. Also, we've seen far too many cases where the media uses these terms to denigrate a political party or person they simply don't like. When such descriptions are used in such a manner then it becomes imperative that people make their own findings for themselves, often with rather surprising conclusions.

All am saying is that when something is resonating with more and more people over time, then perhaps it leaves the sectarian side and becomes a topic for all. If we merely dismiss issues as 'left wing' or 'right wing', there will be a silent rebellion that may spring up surprises in the future.